Director of University Advising
Year Started at JMU: 2018
Contact Info
EdD, Education Leadership, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
MA, Counseling, University of North Carolina at Asheville
BA, Psychology, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Dr. Marquis McGee has spent nearly 20 years providing academic and social support for students in K-12 and Higher education as a counselor, advisor, instructor, and university administrator. As a first-generation college graduate, he is very passionate about helping all students gain access to and successfully navigate the college environment.
Dr. McGee arrived at James Madison University in January 2018 to serve as Associate Director of First Year Programs in the office of Career and Academic Planning. In this role, he provided training for first-year advisors and managed the daily operations of first-year advising. Prior to moving to Harrisonburg, Dr. McGee was the Assistant Director of Academic Programs at UNC Asheville, providing academic advising and support to first-generation, limited income, and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of color) student populations.
Transitioning to University Advising in July 2020, Dr. McGee’s current role involves advisor training and development, website management, and providing support for the First Year Advising Program in collaboration with the Assistant Director, Aimee Stright. Dr. McGee also serves in a leadership role within University Advising to advocate for access to capital, opportunities, and resources needed to be an effective team within JMU’s advising community.
In his spare time, Dr. McGee loves hanging out with his family, trying out his latest dad jokes, and learning to enjoy life in its present moment. He also serves as a mentor to young African American males, motivational speaker, and educational consultant. His famous motto is, “You must believe it before you can achieve it.”
Presentations & Publications
McGee, M. (2018). From Roots to Star Trek : A Case Study on Successful Persistence of African American Male Engineering Majors. ProQuest LLC, Ann Arbor, MI.
Rizzo, T., McGee, M., Pepper, A., & Guevara, A. Been There, Done That: ALANA Alum-employee Support for Students in Transition. Presented at the National Conference on Student Transition, New Orleans, LA. November, 2016
McGee, M., & Burrell, C. Transfer Orientation: Online, Then In-Person. Presented at the National Academic Advising Association National Conference, Las Vegas, NV. October, 2015
Cole, K., McGee, M., Mahlin, M., Burrell, C., & Parrish, J. (2014). Academic Recovery at the University of North Carolina Asheville. NACADA Pocket Guide Series: Advising Students on Academic Probation, 21-23.
Parrish, J., McGee, M., Massey, J., Mahlin, M., Cole, K., & Burrell, C. Transfer Orientation: Online, Then In-Person. Presented at the National Academic Advising Association Region 3 Annual Conference, Watertown, WV. April, 2014
Burrell, C., Cole, K., Mahlin, M., Massey, J., McGee, M., & Parrish, J. Academic Recovery: Take Two! Presented at the National Academic Advising Association Region 3 Annual Conference, Watertown, WV. April, 2014
Cole, K., McGee, M., Burrell, C., Mahlin, M., & Parrish, J. RPM(s): Gearing Up for Student Success. Presented at the National Academic Advising Association Region 3 Annual Conference, Greenville, SC. May, 2013
Sanburg. M., Fritzgerald. L., Blattner.C., & McGee. M. Rebound to Academic Success. Presented at the National College Learning Center Association Conference. Charlotte, NC. April, 2010
McGee. M., & Ross, C. Successorizing Students: Building Students from the Ground Up. Presented at the National Association for Developmental Education Conference. Nashville, TN. October, 2006