This five-day institute invites participants to a series of group and one-on-one peer mentoring experiences as well as individual reflection and writing activities to review their achievements, identify the central themes of their careers, and map out their future career trajectories. Participants do so by writing and revising a portfolio that describes their central career achievements and places them into a larger context of their career values and goals.

All participants will work with a trained colleague who has previously participated in the JMU Academic Portfolio Institute. This institute is particularly useful for faculty who have arrived at a career milestone, such as those who have recently achieved tenure and promotion, and are wondering where their career will go next. 

The portfolio process is based on the widely recognized model developed by Peter Seldin and Beth Miller (2009) in The Academic Portfolio (Jossey-Bass). 

View current programs offered through the CFI Program event feed below or go directly to the CFI event page! 

Faculty participants will make progress toward these program outcomes
  • Identifying and documenting central career achievements, and
  • Renewing a sense of direction for their careers.
Faculty participants will make progress toward these career planning outcomes
  • Appreciating the place and purpose of comprehensive career planning in academic careers,
  • Creating a comprehensive career plan with a meaningful, measurable goals for professional advancement,
  • Identifying and implementing effective strategies for career advancement,
  • Achieving self-defined career milestones,
  • Applying best practices of performance documentation to career advancement.

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