
LGBTQIQA is an umbrella acronym that represents the following identity communities:

L (Lesbian); G (Gay); B (Bisexual); T (Transgender); Q (Queer); I (Intersex); Q (Questioning); A (Asexual)

The Counseling Center offers a wide range of services designed to support students in their personal and professional endeavors with the goal of promoting well-being in all aspects of life. LGBTQIQA students may experience difficulties during their academic careers such as:

In fact, these are common reasons why students seek counseling services here on campus. The Counseling Center offers free, confidential services to any student who is interested in receiving additional support. During a first visit students meet with a clinician to discuss treatment needs and receive resource referral recommendations.

Support Services At JMU

Individual & Couples Counseling

Individual counseling provides LGBTQIQA students with a safe and confidential environment. Counseling at the Counseling Center is a collaborative endeavor in which the counselor and client work together to identify goals and directions for treatment.

Specialized Workshop Series

The Counseling Center offers 3-session and 1-session specialized workshops to assist students in reducing anxiety symptoms, improving mood, increasing resiliency, and improving self-care. These programs include numerous evidence-based strategies and interventions. They are one of the quickest ways to reduce symptoms and access clinical services.

Group Counseling

During the Fall and Spring Semesters of each academic year, the Counseling Center offers a variety of confidential group counseling experiences. 

Consultation Services

Consultation services are available to LGBTQIQA students as well as friends, faculty, staff, and family members. These services can help provide an understanding of the available Counseling Center services and how to help support LGBTQIQA students. To access these services, please contact the Counseling Center and request a consultation, by phone or in person, for you or about someone you know.


While there's no easy way to adequately describe the campus climate at any college or university, we have addressed some questions you may have about what to expect at JMU.

Is there an active LGBTQIQA student organization?

Yes, there are several! Madison Equality is a JMU student-run support organization for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students. The primary mission of the group is to promote tolerance and acceptance through education and awareness and anyone who supports equality and queer rights is welcomed, regardless of orientation. Interested in joining? E-mail to learn more. Shades of Pride is a JMU LGBTQ+ student organization with a focus on black and brown queer communities and allies. It is open to everyone. DM @sopjmu on Instagram or email to learn more. Students can learn more about Madison Equality and other student organizations available through logging into JMU's Be Involved website.

Is there a campus office for LGBTQIQA student services?

SOGIE promotes JMU's commitment to diversity through education, support, advocacy, and fostering of equity for all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. SOGIE staff are located on the first floor of the Student Success Center, in Rooms 1323 and 1324, and are available for support.

Are LGBTQIQA sensitive counseling services available?

Yes! The Counseling Center, located on the 3rd floor of the Student Success Center, offers free and confidential individual, group, and couples psychotherapy, as well as consultation services. Students who are interested (or who might be interested) in pursuing services are encouraged to contact the Counseling Center at (540) 568-6552 with questions. During a first visit students meet with a clinician to discuss treatment needs and receive resource referral recommendations.

Where can I find resources on coming out?

You do not have to feel alone in the coming out process. There are several spots on campus you can receive support and get more information on what to expect, including the staff at Counseling Center, Madison Equality, and Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE).

Are other campus offices supportive and inclusive of LGBT students and issues?

Members of the JMU community strive to be as supportive as possible of all students. A myriad of resources are available on campus that are specific to LGBTQIQA students, including housing, student health, career planning, and academic classes. For more information, visit the SOGIE Resiliency in Self Care page.

What activities are sponsored on campus for LGBT students?

SOGIE coordinates speakers, films, and other events throughout the academic year on campus. Also in that location, you will find an LGBTQ Resource Library with books, periodicals, videos, and other resources, and a hangout space (the Lavender Lounge), which is available to all members of the campus community. In addition, graduating seniors are encouraged to attend the Lavender Graduation Ceremony to celebrate their accomplishments at JMU!

For a schedule of even more on-campus events, visit the Be Involved events page.

Are supportive faculty and staff easily identifiable?

JMU's Safe Zone, which is a voluntary network of faculty, staff and students who believe that every member of the university community should have an equal opportunity to grow and learn in a safe and open environment, are easily identifiable. Just look for the stickers posted on campus!

Is there a procedure for reporting LGBTQIQA-related bias incidents and hate crimes? How does the school respond to such incidents? What should I do if I am being harassed for being LGBTQIQ or Ally?

Please refer to the official JMU Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct policy and reporting procedure for more information and guidance.

On-Campus Resources

SOGIE: strengthens, maintains, and promotes a campus community that welcomes all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, through education, support, advocacy, and fostering equity. Drop by SSC 1310 to connect with SOGIE staff.

SOGIE Advisory Board: The SOGIE Advisory Board, which convenes monthly during the academic year, is a network of faculty and staff who focus on supporting JMU's commitment to diversity by serving as advocates and liaisons to SOGIE and the JMU community.

Madison Equality: JMU's oldest student-led LGBTQ+ organization. The primary mission of the club is to foster a supportive educational and social environment that promotes tolerance and acceptance through education and awareness. Madison Equality is open to anyone who is supportive of equality and queer rights, regardless of their orientation. If you are interested, email Or to learn more, students can log into JMU's Be Involved website. 

Shades of Pride: a JMU LGBTQ+ student organization with a focus on black and brown queer communities and allies. The organization is open to everyone.If you are interested, DM (@sopjmu) on Instagram.

Counseling Center: provides a Queer to Questioning Group, a TrueSelves Group, as well an individual psychotherapy. If you are interested in pursuing these opportunities, please call (540) 568-6552, or explore the rest of this site for information not contained on this page.

Safe Zone: Safe Zone is a voluntary network of faculty, staff and students who believe that every member of the university community should have an equal opportunity to grow and learn in a safe and open environment.

LGBTQIQA Advisory Board: The LGBTQIQA Advisory Board, which convenes monthly during the academic year, is a network of students, faculty, and staff who focus on supporting JMU's commitment to support students by serving as advocates and liaisons to the LGBT Program and the JMU community.

Faculty and Staff Group: If you are interested in joining the LGBTQIQ group, visit their website.

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