There are times when you may become aware of someone struggling with thoughts of suicide. In order to effectively respond, it is helpful to be aware of warning signs, possible interventions, as well as important resources that can provide additional support. Counseling Center clinicians are available for consultation.
If you are concerned about an immediate threat to someone's life, please access emergency assistance.
Warning Signs Of Suicide
Individuals who are considering suicide often display warning signs. There are twelve common warning signs that may suggest an individual is considering ending their life. The presence of one or more of these warning signs does not mean someone is definitely contemplating suicide. However, it means that we need to talk with them and show that we care.
Myths About Suicide
There are many myths about suicide. Statements such as, "If I bring it up, will it put the idea into their head?" and "People who complete suicide are noticeably depressed." are just a few examples. Dispel the myths and learn the facts about suicide so you can be better prepared to help and understand someone who may be struggling.
Helping Someone Who Is Suicidal
Remember the acronym C.A.R.E:
- Show that you Care
- Ask calmly and directly about suicide
- Refer to counseling or emergency services
- Encourage hope for the future.
For specific interventions and suggestions, go to our C.A.R.E. page.