Find A Community Clinician

You can use Psychology Today's Find a Therapist website, a searchable community clinician directory, to identify mental health services in the community that may be suited to your needs.

You can also use MiResource, another searchable community clinician database available, that can assist with identifying mental health services to fit your needs. The majority of providers on this list are on the bus route or within walking distance from James Madison University campus.

The providers participating in and advertising through Psychology Today’s Find a Therapist & MiResource supply their own information about their services. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided. We are also unable to endorse any particular provider that is listed. It will be important to verify information with the provider, including fees. Contact your insurance company to ensure that the clinician you select is a participating provider. Learn more about how to select a provider using your insurance.

Please note, availability is subject to change. You will likely need to contact several providers and may need to be added to wait lists to connect for services. Other options for services may include providers in your home area or telehealth services (i.e., TimelyCare).

Insurance Resources

See below for resources to assist with understanding and using your insurance. If you do not have insurance coverage, visit the University Health Center’s insurance resource page to learn more about exploring your insurance options.

Case Management

Should you need additional support in connecting with a community provider, please contact the Counseling Center at (540) 568-6552 and inquire about scheduling a case management appointment.

Emergency Assistance

If you currently, or in the future, find yourself dealing with a personal crisis which necessitates immediate attention by a mental health professional (e.g., thoughts or plans to kill yourself, thoughts of seriously harming others, recent sexual assault), please review your Emergency Assistance options.

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