Union Scheduling LofoThis Student Event Planner training is provided by the Union Scheduling office as a guide for how to best use resources and campus partner information to plan for many of the spaces that your student organization will need.  The self-guided training will take about 30 minutes.  Take your time as you move through the content and click on all links to follow valuable campus partner information. As you navigate to other websites,  be sure to use the back arrow to find your way back to the training to ensure completion.  It is important to understand where to reference this information and how to follow important procedures and guidelines.

As the Student Event Planner for your student organization, you are responsible for scheduling spaces in Event Management's virtual Event Management System (EMS) and completing requested action items which may include meeting with campus partners, completing forms, and getting any necessary approval signatures.  

After the training, take the test to become a certified Student Event Planner.  You can only miss one question to pass but it is an open book/ resource test. Certification is good for as long as you are a student, and your student organization needs you in this role.  Each student organization can have no more than two Student Event Planners so please indicate if you will be replacing a prior planner when asked on the test. 

Please reach out to Unionscheduling@jmu.edu for any feedback or support related to this training.  We wish you the very best and look forward to the many ways you will build community here!




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