JMU’s stormwater public education, outreach, and involvement strategy is to promote knowledge and awareness of pollution sources and provide solutions to common issues that can impact stormwater runoff quality. When our community understands that water quality can become impacted by everyday activities, sources of stormwater pollutants can be eliminated with a simple change of habits or procedures. The objective of this program is to promote a clear identification and understanding of the issues associated with stormwater runoff pollution and to promote community and university ownership and action.
Here at JMU three main issues have been identified as areas where efforts to educate the public and community would be the most effective, reach the largest audience and potentially create the greatest change. Those are (1) awareness of pollution prevention and how to report water quality issues on campus, (2) litter prevention at outdoor athletic events, (3) pollution prevention within JMU's own facilities management operations and (4) implementation of a pet waste management and collection program. Strategies utilized to address these issues include: printed materials, advertisements or announcements at athletic events, online content (including social media), training of campus staff and updating operations procedures.
The following are additional programs and information on specific ways the JMU community and local community can become involved with stormwater education and outreach. The stormwater staff are here to answer any questions, collaborate, educate and provide training on any stormwater needs.
Contact stormwater staff via email or by calling (540) 568-3174.
Staff Training
A “Stormwater Pollution Prevention/IDDE” presentation and guidebook has been developed and is used in conjunction with Facilities Management employee training. During new employee orientation for FM personnel, a presentation is given introducing staff to basic stormwater information, pollution prevention, good housekeeping measures, related policies and procedures, and how to recognize and report illicit discharges. Refresher training is provided at least once every 24 months.
Operational Procedures
A “Daily Operational Procedures for Stormwater Control Best Management Practices” policy was created in 2015 to implement written procedures for activities such as road, street, and parking lot maintenance; equipment maintenance; and the application, storage, transport, and disposal of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. This policy and associated procedures are re-evaluated annually.
Stream Clean-ups
- As part of JMU’s efforts to keep the campus clean, JMU staff from the FM Environmental Services Department regularly pick up trash and debris within the heart of campus and also along the streams and lake.
- Campus stream clean-ups keep JMU’s creeks clean and free of trash. To schedule an event for your group, please contact stormwater staff.
- Annual Blacks Run Clean Up Day – Second Saturday in April
Classwork and Research
If you are a faculty member or student whose research is related to stormwater, contact us to discuss collaboration! Some ways that we have collaborated in the past include:
- Class projects – we have provided stormwater and ecological restoration-related projects for classes in the past, working with the instructor to meet their learning objectives while providing beneficial information for the stormwater program.
- Individual projects – we have provided individual engineering project ideas to students in the environmental engineering and integrated science courses.
- Data for research – we have provided access to our physical and digital assets to assist faculty and students with related research.
Storm Drain Marking
Storm drain marking helps create more awareness that stormwater flows directly to creeks without being treated beforehand. To help with effort on campus, please contact the stormwater staff.
Educational Signage
Along with storm drain marking, signage is placed in strategic locations on campus to assist in educating the public on the purpose of stormwater best management practices and to inform that what goes in a storm drain eventually makes its way to our local waterways.
Workshops, Tours and Guest Lectures
- Drinking Water and Wastewater Enviroscape Model Demos:
- 45-60 minute hands-on presentation
- Appropriate for smaller groups/classes (max 20)
- Demo topics available include: Water Sources and Treatment, Wastewater Treatment, Stormwater Runoff, Groundwater and Biosolids
- Guest lectures on stormwater related topics:
- stormwater management,
- stormwater career preparation,
- stormwater best management practices,
- green infrastructure, and many more!
- Stormwater BMP/Management Tours
Litter Prevention at Athletic Events
The Athletics Department makes at least two public service announcements at each outdoor sporting event to promote pollution prevention requesting spectators to be responsible and discard all wastes in the trash and recycling receptacles located throughout the sports facility.
Environmental Group and Committee Participation
Faculty and staff participate with local organizations and environmental advisory committees such as Soil & Water Conservation Districts, stormwater advisory committees, environmental performance standards advisory committees, Friends of the Shenandoah River, and the Shenandoah Valley Pure Water Forum. JMU also maintains membership in environmental organizations such as the Virginia Municipal Stormwater Association (VAMSA) and the Central Shenandoah Stormwater Network in order to network with other municipalities, engineers and regulatory agencies.
For questions, collaboration, or to request a training, BMP tour, lecture or watershed model demo, please contact stormwater staff via email or by calling (540) 568-3174.