JMU implemented an erosion and sediment control (ESC) program in 2009, and starting July 1, 2014 JMU also began administrating a stormwater management (SWM) program. These programs require site plan review for projects meeting the criteria as described in the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law & Regulations and the Virginia Stormwater Management Program Regulations. Following are useful documents for site plan submissions along with applicable policies for construction projects.

Annual Standards & Specifications for ESC & SWM
Appendix A: ESC/SWM Plan Submitters Checklist
Appendix C: ESC/SWM Inspection Report
Appendix D: BMP Field Assessment Worksheet
Appendix E: Existing and Proposed Land Disturbing Projects
Appendix F: Non-VESCH Specifications
Annual Standards Approval Letter dated March 15, 2021
On June 6, 2022 DEQ notified JMU that existing approved AS&S documents will be administratively continued until further notice.
JMU Stormwater Related Policies
Within JMU’s FM Policies, there are four policies written to address stormwater management and pollution prevention. They can be viewed at either the FM Policies and Guidelines page, or the main JMU Policies page as linked below.
IV 10 Stormwater Management Facilities
IV 11 Land Disturbing Activities
IV 12 Daily Operational Procedures for Stormwater Control Best Management Practices
Policy 4310 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Guidance
The SWPPP is the cornerstone of the Construction General Permit and the Virginia Stormwater Management Program. The plan includes prevention measures for both during construction and after construction. All SWPPP's must contain the following:
- Approved erosion and sediment control plan
- Approved stormwater management plan
- Pollution prevention plan
- Plan specifying any additional control measures to meet the requirements of a TMDL
Additional information on developing a SWPPP can be found at the following locations:
Following is a SWPPP template provided by JMU.
SWPPP Template completion checklist
- Appendix A
- Appendix A - Contractor Certification
- Appendix A - Delegated Authority Certification
- Appendix A - Operator Certification
- Appendix B
- Appendix B - Construction General Permit
- Appendix C
- Appendix C - Records of Land Disturbance Form
- Appendix D
- Appendix D - Inspection Report (2019-2024) Word document
- Appendix D - Inspection Report (2019-2024) pdf document
- Appendix E
- Appendix F
- Appendix F - Modifications Log
Construction General Permit Coverage
When submitting for permit coverage, be sure to submit the following documents which can be found on DEQ's web site.
- Registration Statement
- Permit Fee Form and Fee Schedule
- Annual Standards and Specifications Entity Information Form