COB 300 Curriculum (Summer, Fall, and Spring)
While in Belgium, you will take COB 300 (12 hours) and COB 301 (3 hours) for a total of 15 hours. After completion of the semester, you will earn a concentration in European Business, regardless of your business major, and you will make consistent progress toward your degree. Participating in the semester should not delay your anticipated graduation date.
COB 300 will be taught in the context of the European marketplace, and COB 301 will give explicit instruction on the European Union, European business practices, and European culture.
COB 300 is an integrated learning experience consisting of four courses, taken concurrently, which introduces the fundamental conceptual tools of management, finance, operations, and marketing in such a way as to establish their mutual relevance and interdependence. Students work in small project teams on tasks designed to require the application in concert with conceptual tools from each of the four functional areas:
- COB 300A: Management Component
- COB 300B: Finance Component
- COB 300C: Operations Component
- COB 300D: Marketing Component
In addition, as a part of the semester experience, students will visit businesses, governmental institutions, and cultural settings in various parts of Europe like Belgium, France, Spain, England, Scotland, Germany, and Czech Republic.
The totality of the experience will result in a deep understanding of European business practices. Because of this, students will earn a concentration in European business.
COB 300 in Atwerp Prerequisites
Completion of all lower-level BBA core courses with a minimum of 2.7GPA. Students below 2.7 are placed on a pending list and accepted based on resource availability. Please consult the COB Academic Services Center for more details. For the Semester in Antwerp program, students must also be formally accepted to the College of Business and must enroll concurrently in COB 301.
Important Notes
- There will be some modifications of the COB 300 content when offered in Antwerp. The course will consist of four stand-alone components (management, finance, operations, and marketing) and an integrated case analysis project (which replaces the traditional business plan project assigned on campus in Harrisonburg). We will trade off course integration for extended visits to businesses, governmental institutions, and cultural sites throughout Europe
- You must apply for acceptance into both the Semester in Antwerp program and COB 300. Please visit the COB Advising & Support Center if you have further questions about admission into COB 300.
COB 300A: Integrated Functional Systems: Management
COB 300A is the management component of an integrated learning experience consisting of four courses, taken concurrently, which introduces the fundamental conceptual tools of management, finance, operation and marketing in such a way as to establish their mutual relevance and interdependence. Students work in small project teams on tasks designed to require the application in concert of conceptual tools from each of the function areas. Prerequisites: Completion of all required 100- and 200-level B.B.A. core courses, junior standing (56 hours) and formal admission to the College of Business.
Credits: 3
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
COB 300B: Integrated Functional Systems: Finance
COB 300B is the finance component of an integrated learning experience consisting of four courses, taken concurrently, which introduces the fundamental conceptual tools of management, finance, operation and marketing in such a way as to establish their mutual relevance and interdependence. Students work in small project teams on tasks designed to require the application in concert of conceptual tools from each of the function areas. Prerequisites: Completion of all required 100- and 200-level B.B.A. core courses, junior standing (56 hours) and formal admission to the College of Business.
Credits: 3
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
COB 300C: Integrated Functional Systems: Operations
COB 300C is the operations component of an integrated learning experience consisting of four courses, taken concurrently, which introduces the fundamental conceptual tools of management, finance, operation and marketing in such a way as to establish their mutual relevance and interdependence. Students work in small project teams on tasks designed to require the application in concert of conceptual tools from each of the function areas. Prerequisites: Completion of all required 100- and 200-level B.B.A. core courses, junior standing (56 hours) and admission to the College of Business.
Credits: 3
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
COB 300D: Integrated Functional Systems: Marketing
COB 300D is the marketing component of an integrated learning experience consisting of four courses, taken concurrently, which introduces the fundamental conceptual tools of management, finance, operation and marketing in such a way as to establish their mutual relevance and interdependence. Students work in small project teams on tasks designed to require the application in concert of conceptual tools from each of the function areas. Prerequisites: Completion of all required 100- and 200-level B.B.A. core courses, junior standing (56 hours)and formal admission to the College of Business.
Credits: 3
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
COB 301: European Integration, Culture and History
This course is designed to complement COB 300 A-D when taught as part of the semester in Antwerp, Belgium program. COB 301 will only be offered as part of the semester in Antwerp program. Students will study European Integration in the classroom and visit governmental institutions, historical places and cultural events associated with course content. Prerequisites: Requires acceptance to the Semester in Antwerp program. Cannot be used as an elective to fulfill any COB major or COB minor.
Credits: 3
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer