London, England
Program Description
What do bridges, robot arms, proteins, and origami have in common? Each are structures that exhibit rigidity or flexibility depending on how their constituent parts are arranged and combined. Rigidity theory is a branch of mathematics and computer science that studies the abstract problem of determining when a set of geometric constraints on a system lead to rigidity (as in the case of a bridge) or flexibility. Rigidity theory originates with James Clerk Maxwell, a Scottish physicist, who was a professor at Cambridge University in the UK and many rigidity theorists are in the UK to this day.
In this program you will learn an introduction to rigidity theory and folding algorithms in CS 480, which counts as an upper level required elective for the CS major. The course will involve more than just classroom work--we will take excursions to sites related to both rigidity theory and the history of computing in England, such as Bletchley Park, where Alan Turing lead the team that hacked the German Enigma machine in World War II. You will also be exposed to the cultural wealth of the United Kingdom through excursions and cultural activities, such as a visit to Shakespeare's Globe Theatre and the many museums of London.
Students take two courses as part of the program. The flagship course, CS 480 Rigidity Theory, involves classroom work (lectures, guest lectures, and lots of building of objects with your hands) as well as a day trip to Cambridge. The second course, CS 430 Programming Languages, is a required upper level CS course. This course is flipped, with a series of online modules to complete.
Location Description
The program is centered in London, a truly international city with an immense amount of history and culture. We will also take trips to other notable UK sites related to the history of computing including Cambridge, Bletchley Park, and the National Museum of Computing.
John Bowers | bowersjc@jmu.edu | Computer Science
Students will share two bedroom flats at the Florida State Study Centre in the Bloomsbury neighborhood of London. The neighborhood is walking distance from a host of London sites including the British Museum, Parliament, Oxford Street, Regents Park, and the Seven Dials and Theatre District. It is also adjacent to a Tube stop and has easy access to London's fantastic bus network.
Students will be allocated a weekly meal stipend that will cover approximately 7 meals per week.
Additional Items to Consider
It is the only program that caters to upper level computer science students.
Applicant Criteria
Applicants must have a GPA minimum of 2.0
Students must be accepted to the computer science major and have completed CS 240, CS 261, and CS 227 with a grade of C- or better in each. Preference given to students who have completed CS 327.
Rising juniors or seniors
Application Process
This list serves as an application preview. To apply, students will need to complete the following:
- Study Abroad Online Application ($40 fee)
- Short Essay
- List of Academic References
- Interview with Program Director
- Unofficial transcript required
Further details and instructions about these application requirements will be available upon log-in.
Application Deadline
All dates are tentative and subject to change
CS 480: CS 480 Selected Topics: Rigidity Theory (3 credits)
CS 430: Programming Languages (3 credits)
Courses listed here are to be used as a general guideline for program curriculum. *All courses are considered pending until approved by the Academic Department, Program, and/or College.