To submit a protocol, please go to:
To access the User Guide, please go to: Cayuse Training Manuals.
Important Notes
Please note the following:
- Protocol Submission Deadline: 5:00 PM- Friday 3 weeks prior to scheduled meeting date. Please visit IACUC Meetings for protocol submission deadlines and scheduled meetings.
- **All protocols submitted AFTER the deadline WILL NOT be reviewed until the NEXT month!
- Completion of the following requirements:
- Occupational Health Risk Assessment Questionnaire (all faculty and students involved must have on file)
- CITI Working with the IACUC Training
- CITI (working w/species specific) Training
- Face-to-Face Training (of specific research and safety procedures conducted by the PI for all students listed on the protocol)
- Protocols to be reviewed should be received by IACUC not less than 30 days prior to the date approval is required.
- The Principal Investigator must receive notification of approval from the IACUC prior to beginning the research project.
- Application approval will be for a maximum of three years.
- The principal investigator will be contacted annually by the IACUC, to renew the protocol and verify the status of the project.
- If no significant change in the protocol has occurred, renewal approval may be extended for a year, until the maximum period of three years has been met.
- Approval will be canceled for discontinued projects.