Pursue success through BR2JMU

BRCC and JMU team up to provide programs and services to support your success.

 Rajan Shore

Rajan Shore, BRCC Advisor
E112 (BRCC)

 Kate McDaniel

Kate McDaniel, JMU Advisor
E112 (BRCC) SSC 4045J (JMU)

 Jessica Hyde

Jessica Hyde, JMU Advisor
E112 (BRCC) SSC 4045J (JMU)

Frequently Asked Questions

Along with BRCC advisors, you will work with JMU Next advisors Kate McDaniel and Jessica Hyde from the very beginning to ensure that you enroll in the right classes for your intended JMU major. We will monitor your progress and provide you with support each semester to make sure you're on track. In addition, you will be enrolled in a special section of the College Success course SDV 100 just for BR2JMU students, where you will learn how to be successful at both BRCC and JMU.
BRCC offers writing assistance and course tutoring free of charge to all BRCC students.
JMU Majors

We will talk about choosing a JMU major in our fall semester SDV 100 class at BRCC and in a major exploration workshop during your first semester in the program. You'll be able to take classes at BRCC that meet requirements for your major at JMU!

You can also meet with a JMU Next advisor anytime to discuss your options! In addition, you can explore JMU majors online, and check out the Career Guide to JMU Majors for major/career information. You will also be invited to attend the JMU Majors and Minors fair in the fall, where you can talk directly to representatitves of many JMU majors and minors.

In addition to talking to a JMU Next advisor, there are pathway maps to different majors at JMU for BRCC students.
Career Exploration

We will have a session in the SDV 100 class about career planning to get you started with that during your first semester in BR2JMU. Then, we will offer a workshop for BR2JMU students in the spring about career fields that are growing in the Shenandoah Valley and career planning in general.

You also have access to BRCC's Career Services. In addition, you can explore the Career Guide to JMU Majors to learn how certain majors tie into certain careers. While still at BRCC, we will introduce you to the University Career Center at JMU so you feel comfortable accessing their services once you transfer.

Getting Involved
BRCC offers a number of different ways to get involved on campus, from leadership and service opportunities to special interest clubs.
While you must be enrolled in JMU classes to be involved in JMU clubs and organizations, we want you to start getting connected to the JMU community while attending BRCC. We will plan a number of activites on the JMU campus for BR2JMU students, such as having lunch at a dining hall and attending an athletic or other event as a group.

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