You will be asked to sign a contract agreeing to the expectations and requirements of the program. Those expectations are listed below. Your progression to JMU will be confirmed provided you meet all terms of this agreement. You must
- Enroll at Blue Ridge Community College
- Enroll in the BR2JMU SDV Orientation course at BRCC
- Attend the BR2JMU welcome event in the summer prior to starting classes at BRCC
- Submit your final high school transcript by the time you start classes at BRCC
- Attend BR2JMU major and career planning workshops
- Meet twice each semester with a JMU Next academic advisor for course planning, grade review, and conversations about your academic goals and progress
- Attend a JMU Admissions Confirmation event during your final semester at BRCC, including working with your JMU Next academic advisor to share an official transcript showing coursework and grades up to that point
- Complete a transferable associate degree and satisfy all program requirements.