Uber and Lyft are serving the Charlottesville/Harrisonburg area! Visit Uber or Lyft to download the app.
The following taxi services can be contacted for travel around the city, with most operating 24/7:
- ABC (540) 564-1214
- Royal Cab (540) 438-7777
- Custom Transportation (540) 437-0600
View the full list of regional and break transportation options.
Shuttles provide transportation to nearby airports and a range of options are available as detailed below. Large coach buses also provide routes serving Washington D.C., Virginia, Maryland, New York, and Pennsylvania on weekends and breaks and more information can be found on Coach Bus Services.
Adventures-N-Travel is an external vendor that provides break shuttle service to Dulles Airport, Regan National Airport and Metro. Private shuttles are also available. For additional information, including schedules, visit www.adventures-n-travel.com or call 540-810-1196.
Shenandoah Valley Shuttle is an external vendor that serves the regional airports (IAD, DCA, BWI and CHO) and Amtrak’s Union Station in D.C. using four-door sedans and minivans. They offer on-campus pickups. Contact number is (540) 877-4187.
The Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport (SHD) provides shuttle services between the JMU campus and SHD. This service has to be booked 24 hours in advance and costs $50.