How to get from JMU to Charlottesville

There is Brite Bus service from JMU to Staunton that runs mornings and afternoons. Note there is a gap in the middle of the day. Once in Staunton though the bus service to Charlottesville is Afton Express and they ONLY run in the afternoon and evening going to Charlottesville. You can come back to JMU either morning or evening, but getting TO Charlottesville only works in the afternoon/evening.

The quickest way to get from JMU to Charlottesville is get on the Brite Bus BRCC North loop at 2:17pm from Godwin Transit Center. You will arrive at BRCC at 3:00. Stay on that bus for the BRCC South loop and arrive at The Hub at Lewis Street at 3:30. Switch buses at The Hub and get on the 250 Connector (still Brite Bus), which leaves at 3:30 so hurry.

Take the 250 Connector, two stops to the Staunton Mall to arrive at 3:40pm. Here you’ll have some time. The earliest the Afton Express (different bus route, still Brite Bus) leaves the Staunton Mall at 4:10pm. It goes to a number of stops in Charlottesville. 

For a full list of Brite Bus routes and schedules click

Depending on where you get off the Brite Bus in Charlottesville it takes about 3 hours one way. Charlottesville has their own bus service, Charlottesville Area Transit or CAT. To view their services, click

To get to the Amtrack station in Staunton: Take the Brite Bus BRCC North shuttle from JMU at Godwin Transit Center to BRCC, stay on the bus  for the South route, and take it into Staunton. After the Staunton Hub at Lewis Street go 2 more stops to Johnson Street. Get off there. Walk to your left to Augusta Street. Turn right on Augusta Street and the Amtrak is ½ a block on the right.


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