Part of our philosophy at the Center for Faculty Innovation is that teaching is an iterative process and that it’s important to continually reflect and try to improve. There are many different ways to get formative feedback on our teaching—that is, feedback that lets us know how we’re doing in the middle of a learning experience, with a chance to adjust, separate from the formal and high-stakes evaluation processes in our departments. Of course, asking students how things are going is one way to discern how effective our teaching is, but there are other ways too.
In the past, we have supported a Teaching Analysis Poll (TAP) program, where instructors received mid-semester feedback from their students, in-class observations, videotaped feedback, student-faculty partnerships, assignment swaps, and Ascend.
Please read this Toolbox if you are interested in learning more about ways you can solicit feedback from your students: Soliciting Student Feedback (09.24.2020).
View current and recent programs offered through the CFI Program event feed below or go directly to the CFI event page!
Teaching Support