Congratulations to our 2023-2024 Graduate Students!
See Accomplishments For:
- Adult Education/Human Resource Development
- Assessment and Measurement
- Clinical and School Psychology
- Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- College Student Personnel Administration
- Counseling and Supervision
- Educational Leadership
- English
- Fine Art
- Kinesiology
- Learning Design and Technology
- Literacy
- Middle, Secondary and Math Education
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Physician Assistant
- Psychological Sciences
- Teacher Leadership
- Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication
Adult Education/Human Resource Development
Grier, X. (2024, May). "“It’s Not You, It’s Me”: Understanding the Relationship Between Students Academic Advising". [Oral presentation]. Showcase of Graduate Student Scholarship and Creative Activities, James Madison University.
Secrist, C. M. (2024, May). Shaping Tomorrow's Ethical Leaders. [Poster presentation]. Showcase of Graduate Student Scholarship and Creative Activities, James Madison University.
Wilson, H. (2024, May). Intersectionality and Success: A Study of Black Women Teachers in Higher Education. [Oral presentation]. Showcase of Graduate Student Scholarship and Creative Activities, James Madison University.
Assessment and Measurement
Kate Schaefer, 2023 SACSCOC Travel Grant Recipient
Mara McFadden, 2023 NERA GSIC Best Paper Award
Nick Mireles, 2024 AERA Division D – In-Progress Research Award
Nick Mireles, 2024 NCME Pipeline Scholarship
Students Serving on Committees in Professional Organizations:
Laura Lambert, Member, Infrastructure Committee, Northeastern Educational Research Association
Mara McFadden, Member, Infrastructure Committee, Northeastern Educational Research Association
Nick Mireles, Co-Chair, Graduate Student Issues Committee; National Council on Measurement in Education
Kelsey Nason, Chair, Conference Ambassadors Committee, Northeastern Educational Research Association
Kate Schaefer, Chair, Infrastructure Committee, Northeastern Educational Research Association
Mara McFadden, Center for Assessment (NCIEA)
Kelsey Nason, American Board of Surgery
Geraci, C., Ramadan, Z., Mireles, E. N., Mudryk, E., Kibanja, G., Kamanyi, E., & Johnson, R. L. (2023, August 2-5). Graduate students 'get going' with transnational youth research: Models, methods, and measures, oh my! Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), Washington, D. C.
Nason, K., & DeMars, C. (2023, October 18-20). Context matters: The impact of external events on low-stakes assessment. In D. Pastor (chair), A Novel Examination of Test-Taking Context: Steps to Identify and Address Low Motivation. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Education Research Association, Trumbull, CT.
Lambert, L. & Good, M.R. (2023, October 18-20). Learning improvement in STEM. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Education Research Association, Trumbull, CT.
Schaefer, K. E., & Finney, S. J (2023, October 18-20). The Influence of Disengagement on the Factor Structure of a Non-Cognitive Measure: Practical Solutions. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Education Research Association, Trumbull, CT.
Wild, A. N. & Kush, J. M. (2023, October 18-20). Real or Fake? Connecting student learning and graduation rates across time. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Education Research Association, Trumbull, CT.
Patterson, C. & Herr, R. (2023, October 18-20). Finding latent profiles of student success skills to predict retention. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Education Research Association, Trumbull, CT.
McFadden, M.E. & Finney, S.J. (2023, October). Multiple priming questions can provide a solution to issues with low examinee response time effort in a testing session. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Education Research Association, Trumbull, CT.
Hunsberger, J. (2023, October). What’s the DIFference: Evaluating the validity claims of a general education program. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Education Research Association, Trumbull, CT.
Herr, R. & Finney, S.J. (2023, October). Program theory and implementation fidelity: Critical components to learning improvement. Presented at the annual meeting of the Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
Schaefer, K. E., & Finney, S. J (2023, October). A Mutually Beneficial Partnership Between a Student Affairs Division & an Assessment Office: How to Create It & Sustain It. Presented at the annual meeting of the Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
Finney, S.J., Stewart, J., Wild, A., Herr, R., & LaFrance, S. (2024, March). Enhancing equity in programming and assessment: A rubric to guide your intentional work. Presented at the annual meeting of NASPA, Seattle, WA.
Meikrantz Sharp, M.K, Herr, R. & Finney, S.J. (2024, March). Improving equity and inclusion for international students: Using data to guide belonging interventions and student success programming. Paper presented at the annual meeting of NASPA, Seattle, W
Mireles, N. E. & Bao, Y. (2024, April). Considerations and recommendations for rapid guessing with examinee motivation filtering in DCMs. Paper presented at the National Council of Measurement in Education (NCME) Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA
Alahmadi, S. & Buckendahl, C. W. (2024, April). Priors and evidence: Introducing Bayesian reasoning to standard setting. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME), Philadelphia, PA.
Nason, K., & DeMars, C. E. (2024, April). Another look at Yen’s Q3: Is .2 an appropriate cut-off? Poster presented at National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) in Philadelphia, PA.
Wild, A. N. & Kush, J. M. (2024, April). Student learning and graduation: Investigating grade inflation. [Research-In-Progress Roundtable Presentation]. American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Hunsberger, J. & Leventhal, B.C. (2024, April). Evaluating the efficacy of the IRTree model for Disengagement. [Research-In-Progress Roundtable Presentation]. American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Schaefer, K. E. & Finney, S. J. (2024, April). Establishing a Partnership with the Full Division and the Assessment Office. Invited talk for the Student Affairs Assessment Leaders virtual Structured Conversations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cq7jVUgZTco
Fulcher, K. H. & Alahmadi, S. (2023, October). Assessment 101. Presented at the annual meeting of the Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
Leventhal, B. C. & McFadden, M. (2023, December 3). Reliability and Validity Evidence for Assessment. Workshop presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SASCOC), Orlando, FL
Fulcher, K.H., Schaefer, K.E., & Nason, K., (2023, December 2) Six steps to learning improvement at scale. Workshop presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SASCOC), Orlando, FL.
Selznick, B. S., Hathcoat, J. D., & Shapovalov, Y. A. (2023). “We’re on this journey together”: Instructor perspectives on teaching and learning across disciplines. Innovative Higher Education. doi: 10.1007/s10755-023-09663-8
Alahmadi, S. & DeMars, C. E. (2024). Comparing examinee-based and response-based motivation filtering methods in remote low-stakes testing. Applied Measurement in Education. doi: 10.1080/08957347.2024.2311927
Pastor, D. A., Patterson, C. R., & Goldberg, A. (2024). Political participation profiles in a college student population. Research and Practice in Assessment, 18(2), 6-19. https://www.rpajournal.com/dev/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Political-Participation-Profiles-in-a-College-RPA.pdf
Finney, S.J. & McFadden, M.E. (2023). Examining the question-behavior effect in low-stakes testing contexts: A cheap strategy to increase examinee effort. Educational Assessment, 28, 211-228. doi: 10.1080/10627197.2023.2222588
Finney, S.J., Stewart, J.P, Wild, A.N., Herr, R.K. & Schaefer, K.E. (in press). A meta-assessment rubric to guide professional development and practice in equitable outcomes assessment. Research & Practice in Assessment.
Clinical and School Psychology
Jen Nelson-Faulconer: Outstanding Scholarship Award, Clinical and School Psychology Program, 2023-2024
Tess Pieragostini: Outstanding Teaching Award, Clinical and School Psychology Program, 2023-2024
Alyssa Decker: Outstanding Service Award, Clinical and School Psychology Program, 2023-2024
Provided over 2000 hours of clinical intervention and assessment services to residents of Harrisonburg and its surrounding counties.
Hart, V., Nelson-Faulconer, J., Crespo, D.A., Martinez-Daucik, S., Havi, B., Iverson, P, Scott, C., & Sellers, E. (March 2024). Shaping awareness into action: The lived experiences of Madison International students at JMU. [Presentation] JMU Diversity Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.
Decker, A, Nelson-Faulconer, J., & Stewart, A. (February 2024). Play-based Interventions for School Psychologists: A Neurobiologically- and Trauma-Informed Approach [Presentation] National Association for School Psychologists Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Linger, J., Nelson-Faulconer, J., & Stewart, A. (October 2023). Making School a Refuge for Refugee Students. [Presentation] Virginia Academy of School Psychologists Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.
Stewart, A., Linger, J., Nelson-Faulconer, J., & Jarrett, H. (October 2023). Inside, Outside, Everywhere: Using Nature-Based Interventions to Support Connection and Regulation. [Presentation] Virginia Academy of School Psychologists Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.
Decker, A. L. & Stewart, A. L. (2024, February). Easing transitions for individuals with intellectual disabilities: A call to integrate mental health care into inclusive post-secondary education programs. Poster session presented at the National Association of School Psychologists 2024 Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Decker, A. L. & Owens, C. R. (2023, October). Risk and protective factors of homeless youth: A call for education professionals’ support. Poster session presented at the Virginia Association of School Psychologists Fall Conference 2023, Harrisonburg, VA, USA.
Wilson-Nealy, T., Shoss, L., Hayden, D., Harmison, R. (February 2024) Teamwork Is Fun... But Here’s Where It Gets Sticky! Ethical Considerations of Interdisciplinary, Collaborative Work Within Athletics. Verbally presented at the annual Mid-Atlantic Regional Sport Psychology Conference,
Lokhande A., Ricketts C., Malete L., Wraalstad J., Mignano M., Mac Intosh A., Hayden D., (February 2024) Examining the Role of a Gold-Based Positive Youth Development Program on Psychosocial Outcomes in Lansing Youth. Verbally presented at the annual Midwest Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium, Holland, Michigan.
Wasserman, S., Hayden, D., Wilson-Nealy, T., Harmison, R., (October 2023) Developing Mental Toughness in Sport: From Theory to Practice. Verbally presented at the annual Association of Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Pieragostini, T., Abell, K., Savina, E. (October, 2023). Promoting Self-Regulation in Early Childhood through Music & Dance. Posted presented at the Virginia Academy of School Psychologists Fall Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.
Pieragostini, T., & Savina, E. (February 2024). Movement -based interventions to support self-regulation in early childhood. [Presentation] National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Savina, E., & Pieragostini, T. (October 2023). Movement and self-regulation in early school years: Translating neuroscience into interventions. [Presentation] Virginia Academy of School Psychologists (VASP) Fall Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.
Moncure, W. P. (2024, April). The complex and Differing roles of Trauma in Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder [Conference session]. Virginia Academy of Clinical Psychologists, Staunton Virginia.
Stewart, A., Linger, J., Nelson-Faulconer, J., & Jarrett, H. (in press). Nature Chapter (Title TBD). In A. Stewart, D. Ray, & D. Crenshaw (Eds.), Play Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition. Guilford.
Stewart, A., Linger, J., Nelson-Faulconer, J., & Jarrett, H. (in press). Working with refugees:
Creating connection and therapeutic refuge. In J. Stone, R. Grant, & C. Mellenthin (Eds.),
Trauma Impacts: The Repercussions of Individual and Collective Trauma. Wiley.
Decker, A. L., Rose, T. & Burker, E. (In preparation). Using the research in psychotherapy and neurobiology to maximize outcomes for adults with self-injurious behaviors.
Owens, C. R. & Decker, A. L. (In preparation). Using the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) to explore mental health and risk-taking behaviors among youth experiencing homelessness.
Stewart, A. L., Nesbitt, R., & Decker, A. L. (In preparation). Building a therapist identity through integration: A playful approach.
Timler, G. R., Zane, E., Decker, A. L., Ritter, R., & Stewart, A. L. (In press). Best Practices for SupportingSocial-Emotional Development in Children with Developmental Language Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
By May 9, 2024, the CMHC interns will have provided over 2600 hours of direct service to clients during this academic year.
Clinton, E. (2024). Divining the Self: Applying Tarot as a Projective Technique in Counseling. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Virginia Association for Counseling Education and Supervision, Richmond, VA.
Evans, A.M. & Richard, I. (2024). Neurodiversity: Movement-based interventions to counseling youth. American Counseling Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Evans, A.M. Hiatt, K., White, D., & Richard, I. (2024). Institutional and sociopolitical oppression: A liberation approach to counseling. American Counseling Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Evans, A.M., Gaines, B., Haskins, R., & Oginz Wilson, A. (2023). Humanism, positive psychology, and liberation: Conceptualizing oppression. Association for Humanistic Counseling, Denver, Colorado.
Staton, A. R., Bailey, K., & Hughes, K. (2023, November). Losing It: Anti-Fat Bias in Counseling and Implications for Counselors. Session presented at the annual meeting of the Virginia Counselors Association, Hot Springs, VA.
Vu, C., Anderson, R.D. & Gardner, L. (2023, October). Examining Barriers to Rural Health Practice. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Association for Counseling Education and Supervision, Denver, CO.
College Student Personnel Administration
Sophia Park was Awarded the Outstanding Graduate Student Award by The Association of College and University Housing Officers - International (ACUHO-I), noting her exceptional work as a graduate hall director at JMU (overseeing two residence halls), serving as president of the Graduate Student Association, co-instructing a training course for new RAs and helping develop and facilitate the 30+30 Awareness to Action Inclusive Future Tour program. This program was created for members of the JMU community to present on activities that speak to racial equity, climiate studies, or other general diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging activities. She is part of the Asian Student Union and a member of the programming and marketing planning committee for the 2023 Virginia Student Services Conference.
Counseling and Supervision
Brian Lusk was appointed the Graduate Student Representative for the Association of Assessment in Research and Counseling.
Meixner, C., O’Donoghue, C.R., & Erickson, A. (2024, in press). Navigating disenfranchised grief: Women’s experiences of caring for family with brain injury. Journal of Humanistic Counseling
Burger, A., Yang, J., & Snow, T. (2024, May). Creating a Counseling Continuum of Care for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children- Education Session. Proposal accepted for the 2024 Association of Humanistic Counseling Conference. Online.
Zegan-Lister, J., Bryant, K., & Bogaev, E. (2024, May). How to Ethically Ensure Student Competency While Respecting the Humanity of Students. Proposal accepted for the 2024 Association of Humanistic Counseling Conference. Online.
Bryant, K. (2024, May). Clarity and Compassion for Victims of Trauma Bonds. Proposal accepted for the 2024 Association of Humanistic Counseling Conference. Online.
Burger, A. (2023, November). Promoting S.M.A.R.T Behaviors. Georgia School Counselor Association.
Rose, K.R., & Crockett, S.A. (2024, May). Addressing Barriers of Acceptability to Counseling for Men: Deconstructing Hegemonic Masculinity through the Therapeutic Relationship. Proposal accepted for the 2024 Association of Humanistic Counseling Conference. Online.
Rose, K.R., Crockett, S.A., & Lusk, B. (2023, October). Gender role socialization, men, and counselor training: Opportunities for Feminist pedagogy and relational cultural theory. Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference; Denver, CO.
Crockett, S.A., & Lusk, B. (2023, September). Critical Incident Technique (CIT): An Innovative Way to Enhance Research in the Counseling Field. Presented at the Association for Assessment and Research Conference, Nashville, TN.
Lusk, B., & Crockett, S.A. (2023, September). Developing a Researcher Identity Among Doctoral Students: Innovative Strategies. Presented at the National Assessment and Research Conference, Nashville, TN.
Haskins, R. (2023, October). Restorative Practices to Enhance Counselor Cultural Humility in the Classroom. Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Lim, J. & Gardiner, L.S. (2023, October). Women of Color Doctoral Students Broaching Multicultural Concerns in Early Teaching Experiences. Educational Session. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. Denver, CO
LeBlanc, J., Haskins, R., & Lim, J. (2023, October). Building Students’ Advocacy and Collaboration Skills through Service Learning: A Case Study. Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Denver,
Johnson, S., Fears, A., & Henry, S. (2023, October). Preparing Rural Counselors: A Call for Change in Counselor Education. Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Henry, S., Fears, A., & Johnson, S. (2023, October). We’re ALL in This Together: Increasing Rural School-Community Partnerships. Breakout Session. Virginia School Counselor Association (VSCA) Conference. Hampton, VA.
Puryear, T., & Staton, A. R. (2024, May). Harm Reduction as a Humanistic Intervention. Roundtable presentation accepted for the 2024 Association of Humanistic Counseling Conference. Online.
Campbell, C., & Staton, A. R. (2023). Encountering Clients in Emergency Settings. Roundtable presented at the European Branch of the American Counseling Association Conference, Leiden, Netherlands
Vu, C., Anderson, R.D. & Gardner, L. (2023, October). Examining Barriers to Rural Health Practice. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Association for Counseling Education and Supervision, Denver, CO.
Sturm, D. C., Hough, A.M., Carroll, B. C., & Dolieslager, K. G. (2023, October). The power of storying: Shaping and empowering advocate identity. Presentation at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference. Denver, Colorado.
Hough, A. M., Lusk, B. T., & Taylor, C.R. (2023, August). Fostering the provider-patient relationship: A trauma informed approach in working with rural communities and substance use. Presentation at the VCOM National Rural Medicine Conference, Nashville, Tennessee.
Educational Leadership
Avanti Yamamoto was named Hanover County Teacher of the Year and Region 1 Teacher of the Year. Program Coordinator, Dr. Cecil Snead stated, “she’s a natural born leader who exemplifies kindness, thoughtfulness, and the fortitude to enter difficult conversations.”
Haylee Edwards, Graduate Travel Grant Award from the Office of Student Awards, Initiatives and Research (STAIR)
Tiffany Polzin, February 2024: Graduate Travel Grant Award from the Office of Student Awards, Initiatives and Research (STAIR)
Tiffany Polzin, February 2024: Graduate Travel Grant Award from the JMU Department of English
Madeline Spivey, "Nostalgic objects: a personal index, a tracing of affects," longlisted for the 2023-2024 Jeanne Leiby Memorial Chapbook Award (The Florida Review)
Haylee Edwards, "'Rep & Rev,' Rhythm, and Voice in Suzan-Lori Parks's Father Comes Home From the Wars." College Park, MD, March 8th, University of Maryland Graduate English Organization's 17th Annual Conference,"Displacement."
Tiffany Polzin, May 4, 2024: Virtual School Australia's 6th Global Empathy Conference (Czech Republic, but I'm presenting online) “The Empathy Project: Creating Meaningful Connections at the Collegiate Level and Beyond”
Tiffany Polzin, April 19, 2024: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Honors College Beast Fest – Alumni Presenter (Milwaukee, WI), “Me and the Beast: How Acting Tore Me Apart and Put Me Back Together Again”
Tiffany Polzin, March 7-10, 2024: NeMLA 55th Annual Convention (Boston, MA), “Reimagining Shakespeare for the Inner-City Student”
Tiffany Polzin, February 22-24, 2024: Louisville Literature and Culture 51st Conference (Louisville, KY), “She Who Must Not Be Named: The Fall of Potter’s Author and How the Series Lives On”
Tiffany Polzin, February 7-10, 2024: 14th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, AAAD Studies– Reckoning at JMU, Moderator for Panel 9A, Writing Black Life
Tiffany Polzin, August 7-9, 2023: Wooden-O Symposium (Cedar City, UT), “The Hidden Demon Within: Uncovering the Intentions of Desdemona”
Haylee Edwards, “Mind the Sun,” forthcoming in Scattered: A Black Poetry Anthology, compiled by India Williams, Gillespie Fellow at the Furious Flower Poetry Center, Spring 2024.
Haylee Edwards, “Asterion, Son of Minos,” forthcoming in IRIS Literature and Arts Magazine, James Madison University, Spring 2024.
Haylee Edwards, “Midas is Gone,” IRIS Literature and Arts Magazine, James Madison University, Fall 2023.
Haylee Edwards, “womanhood entombed.,” IRIS Literature and Arts Magazine, James Madison University, Fall 2023.
Haylee Edwards, “from one creature to another,” IRIS Literature and Arts Magazine, James Madison University, Fall 2023.
Fine Art
Yulin Yuan was selected for the 2024-25 Virginia Museum of Fine Art Professional Fellowship Award, Richmond, VA. ($8,000) https://vmfa.museum/programs/fellowship-2024-25-recipients/
Michelle A. Smith completed a 2023-24 Virginia Museum of Fine Art Graduate Fellowship Award, Richmond, VA. ($6,000) https://vmfa.museum/programs/fellowship-2023-24-recipients/
Michelle A. Smith - 2023 Director’s Choice Award, Inner Sense, Art Fluent Gallery, Online.
Michelle A. Smith
2024 NCECA (National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts) Juried Student Exhibition, Visual Arts Center, Richmond, VA. Artwork selected for program cover.
2023 20th Annual Arts in Health Exhibit, Walter Reed Medical Hospital, America Building Atrium, Bethesda, MD
2023 Healing Artist Collective: Without Words, Grace Street Gallery, JMU.
2023 Out of the Blue, Gallery Underground, Arlington, VA
2023 Healing Artist Collective: The Edges of What I Feel, Mason Exhibitions Arlington, George Mason University, Arlington, VA
Kareena Solanki
2024 Restoration Act II, Solo Show and Performance, Duke Sculpture Yard, JMU.
Ver Ikeseh
2024 Paintings, a dual-person exhibition with Leslie Banta, Arts Incarnate Gallery, Harrisonburg, VA.
The current MFA Grads (Behnaz Ghasempour, Ver Ikesek, Liv Luke, Michell Smith, Kareena Solanki, and Yulin Yuan) included their artwork in Entrepreneurs Escape- Artistic Ventures, the inaugural 2024 Gilliam Center for Entrepreneurship Exhibition in Hartman Hall, JMU organized by art professor Dymph de Wild and center director, Suzanne Bergmeister.
Yulin Yuan was the inaugural “featured artist” in the Micro-Gallery, a new exhibition space in JMU’s The Learning Center. Her exhibition, EGG of Chaos, was accompanied by a screen displaying her artist statement as an example of successful art writing.
Yulin Yuan organized a group show of her ART 360 Digital Photography student work, Sound of Lens: A Photographic Symphony, in The little Gallery Underground in the Music Library.
Kareena Solanki created a performance, Restoration Act I, in collaboration with Music Professor Ian Zook, for an event at Forbes Center for the Performing Arts entitled, All the World’s A Stage. https://www.jmu.edu/music/_files/recital-programs/zook-9-18-23.pdf
Ver Ikeseh collaborated with JMU Residence Life via Kathleen Campbell and Holmes Browne to paint a mural at Huffman Hall and with Student Life via Jen Grossman to paint murals on Union Hall and Festival Hall on both East and West campuses. He also contributed to a commissioned mural for Center for Multicultural Student Services at Student Success Center, where student artists fused diverse pieces together for a single mural to define “Intersectionality”.
Ver Ikeseh
2024 Mural for Center for Justice and Peacekeeping, East Mennonite University, (EMU), to defined peace and justice as envisioned by people of diverse backgrounds at EMU.
2024 Participatory mural with school children at Walton Middle School in Charlottesville, to create public engaging murals about Identity – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The mural is painted on panels and installed at the school cafeteria.
2024 Outdoor Mural at 560 Ohio Street, for community development and public engagement.
Michelle A. Smith
2023 Clay Emotions, Mason Exhibitions Workshop, Arlington, VA
2023 Alternative Firing May 20th, Saggar Foil Workshop, Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale, VA
Michelle A. Smith
Fall 2023 Virginia Literary Review. Double page spread, pp12-13, Absence: Grief,https://issuu.com/virginialiteraryreview/docs/vlr_fall_2023_final_12.19
August 21, 2023 WERA 96.7 Arlington Radio Interview on Art as Healing AIM (Arlington Independent Media) article by Harsidak Singh https://wera.fm/schedule/ (double-click icon to hear radio broadcast of interview)
May 31, 2023 Student Artist Highlights Military Mental Health at JMU Critique. The Daily News-Record MUSEUM NOTES by Alexandria Searls https://www.dnronline.com/features/student-artist-highlights-military-mental-health-at-jmu-critique/article_c09b7b27-65d4-55d8-ab95-790b91418fa1.html
June 5, 2023 Mason Exhibitions Arlington Presents the Healing Artists Collective: Edges of What I Feel East City Art Gallery Openings and Events by Editorial Team https://www.eastcityart.com/openings-and-events/feel/
June 20, 2023 Healing Artist Collective Highlights work of Mason students, alumni George Mason News by Shayla Brown https://www.gmu.edu/news/2023-06/healing-artist-collective-highlights-work-mason-students-alumni
Kareena Solanki
Searls, A. (2024, March 10). Museum Notes by Alexandria Searls. Daily News-Record.
Solanki, K. (2024). Situating the Sacred. The Southern Quill, (2024).
Yulin Yuan- 2024 WorldOfCo Online Artist Residency & Exhibition, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Michelle A. Smith- 2023 Technical Assistantship, for Teresa Larrabee, Ceramics, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, June 10– 23.
Sydney Koppinger and Beverly Buchanan, awarded 4-VA Research Grant for “The Physiological Impact of Thoracic Load Carriage on Cardiorespiratory Responses in Normal and Simulated Altitude”, Role: PI (Kurti, Baur) Co-I: Saunders, Luden Graduate students on thesis: Requested: $8,000 (Funded, Spring 2024)
Firari, A., McVannel, H., Luden, N., Kurti, S., Akers, J., and Saunders, M. Effects of Dietary Nitrate Supplementation in Recreational and Trained Cyclists in Normoxic and Hypoxic Conditions. SEACSM, Greenville, SC, February 2024
Wilfong, N., Russomano, A., Saunders, M., Womack, C., and Luden, N. Impact of Creatine Supplementation on Repeated Sprint Performance in Normobaric Hypoxia. SEACSM, Greenville, SC, February 2024
Roenker, B., Saunders, M., Womack, C., and Luden, N. Including a Verification Stage During VO2max Testing is More Useful in Normoxia than Normobaric Hypoxia. SEACSM, Greenville, SC, February 2024
Womack, C.J.. Understanding the Why and How of Using Verification Stages for VO2max Testing. SEACSM. Greenville, SC, February 2024.
Peterson, Meghan; Thome, Timothy D; Bennett, Kimberly; Edwards, Elizabeth S, FACSM; Womack, Christopher J; Hargens, Trent A. Impact of physical activity and sleep quality on heart rate variability in college students. SEACSM Annual Meeting, 2024, Greenville, SC.
Morrow E, Hargens TA. Agreement of step-based metrics from actigraph and activpal accelerometers worn concurrently among adults 18 – 65. International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings 2023;16(3), Article 121. (Southeast ACSM Poster Presentation)
Richards GN, Hargens TA. Comparison of A.I. derived heart rate variability to a previously validated heart rate variability assessment. International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings 2023;16(3), Article 125. (Southeast ACSM Poster Presentation)
Buck, E.A., M.J. Saunders, E.S. Edwards, and C.J. Womack. The Effect of Creatine Supplementation on Body Composition and Total Body Water Measured by Multi-frequency Bioelectrical Impedance. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 63:1188-1193, 2023. https://doi.org/10.23736/S0022-4707.23.15058-4
Wisseman, Breanna L.; Edwards, Elizabeth S; Akers, Jeremy D; Kurti, Stephanie P. (2024) The effect of varying fatty acid composition on postprandial airway inflammation, pulmonary function, and airway resistance in healthy, young adults. Journal of the American Nutrition Association. 43(2), 131-138. doi: 10.1080/27697061.2023.2229877.
Ludwigson, C., McKay, C., Gano-Overway, L., & Edwards, E. (in press). Exploring the experiences of elementary school students in Paralympic School Day. Palaestra, 38(3).
Malin, Steven K; Frick, Hannah; Wisseman, William S; Edwards, Elizabeth S; Edwards, David A; Emerson, Sam R; Kurti, Stephanie P. (2023) Acute Exercise on β-cell Function During a High Fat Meal in Young versus Old Adults. American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparative Physiology. 325(2): R164-R171. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00047.2023.
Gano-Overway, L. A., Magrum, E. D., McCall, H., Peterson, M. C. (2024). Personal and situational factors that influence coaches’ ability to care Journal of Sport Sciences (Accepted January 2024) 10.1080/02640414.2024.2308412 https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2024.2308412
Learning Design and Technology
Dean Boyle, UVa PhD program acceptance with full funding.
Blake, E. Interactive elements to boost motivation in a self-paced online course. Poster presentation at the 2024 Graduate Student Showcase, JMU, Harrisonburg, VA
Caitlin McAleer, earned her National Board Certification <https://www.nbpts.org/certification/>.
Middle, Secondary and Math Education
Isobel Cobb, Veronika Shapovalov, Paul Lacey, and Katie Sullivan at the Virginia Association of Science Teachers
Dausny Cruz and Rilie Bass at the Workshop of Intercultural Skills Enhancement
JMU Graduate Student Showcase of Research and Creative Activities:
Cobb, I., Shapovalov, V., Lacey, P., and Sullivan, K. (2023, November 16-18). Using talk as a tool for learning in high school science [Conference presentation]. Virginia Association of Science Teachers 2023 Professional Development Institute: “Science Teachers Leading from the Classroom,” Roanoke, VA, United States.
Green, K. (2023, November 16-19). To reach the stars, first we must fall: Reframing failure through Celeste [Circle session]. National Council of Teachers of English 2023 Convention, Columbus, OH, United States.
Nemergut, M. (2023, November 16-19). Exploring student engagement through translanguaging [Circle session]. National Council of Teachers of English 2023 Convention, Columbus, OH, United States.
Quinn, A., & Hakim, A. (2023). Straight to the sources: Analyzing elementary preservice teacher planning for inquiry. The Journal of Social Studies Research 47(3-4), 210-229. https://doi.org/10.1177/23522798231206187.
Sawyer, A., Cruz, D., Frasso, S., and Bedner, S. (2023). ChatGPT in the mathematics classroom: Mathematical problems, references, and considerations. The Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics 63(1), 10-18. https://pctm.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/PCTM-2023-vol-63-no-1-fall.pdf.
Shanks, L. (2023, November 16-19). Don’t believe everything you hear: Teaching critical media literacy through the “Leeds 13” [Circle session]. National Council of Teachers of English 2023 Convention, Columbus, OH, United States.
Wiley, K., Hass, C., Cruz, D., and Bass, R. (2024, February 8-10). A framework for building intercultural facility in future education through global experience: A case study in Kosovo [Conference presentation]. Workshop on Intercultural Skills Enhancement 2024 Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, United States.
Dausny Cruz, Sarah Bedner, and Sarah Frasso with Dr. Sawyer in the Texas Math Teachers Magazine
Alex Hakim with Dr. Quinn in the Journal of Social Studies Research
Award for Outstanding MSN Nursing Leader: Jessica Peters
Award for Outstanding Leadership MSN Project of Interest: Carrie Bynaker
Award for Outstanding Nurse Practitioner Professional Engagement: Bea Bautista
Award for in Advanced Practice Nursing: Jessica Hensley
2024 AACN Student Policy Summit and Congressional Reception, Washington DC, March 2024 BSN-DNP graduate student Rachel Panak
Beatriz Bautista: Blue Ridge Free Clinic
Mizellore Lexima: Mentor at Nurses Week
Julia McDevitt: Volunteered at Homeless Shelter
Joseph Shelton: Participated in BLS/PALS training overseas
Bonnie Schrieber: Study Abroad Ghana
Several Students participated in the Poverty Simulation with IIHHS
Brinegar, J., Yancey, L., & Gross, M. (2024). Will a pre-requisite education intervention reduce no-shows for kidney transplant hopefuls? The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Virtual Poster)
Bynaker, C., Leontie, S., & Argenbright, C. (2024). Preoperative assessment of inpatient and emergency department surgical patients. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Podiums)
Davis, K., Gunter, T., & Gross, M. (2024) Intentional hourly rounding and toileting for fall prevention. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Virtual Poster)
Fulcer, A. (2024). An assessment of perineal care on lumbar spine surgical patients in the prevention of surgical site infections. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Virtual Poster)
Helfers, J., & Argenbright, C. (2024). Flourishing nurse careers through continuing mentorships. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Virtual Poster)
Marshall, P. (2024). Prehospital arterial line insertion: An analysis of its necessity in mitigating hypotension during critical care patient transportation. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Virtual Poster)
Moore, A., Schnelle, B., & Argenbright, C. (2024). Deploying tech interventions to increase vaccination. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Virtual Poster)
Peters, J., Kile, D., & Argenbright, C. (2024). Impact of resiliency training on stress levels among new graduate nurses. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Podium)
Pfost, B., Paredes, A., & Gross, M. (2024). Increasing confidence of nurse preceptors through implementation of a structured orientation curriculum. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Virtual Poster)
Ranson, L., Lentz, A., & Argenbright, C. (2024). Standardized communication during MDRs. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Virtual Poster)
Nachtrieb, C., Argenbright, C., & Gross, M. (2024). Reducing specimen error in the outpatient dermatology setting. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Virtual Poster)
Wash, J., Whited, J., Cox, D., & Argenbright, C. (2024). Reducing risk of infections for patients with cardiac devices post-operatively. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Virtual Poster)
Wetzelberger, C., McLaughlin, H., Gross, M., & Argenbright, C. (2024). Decreasing hospital-acquired venous thromboembolism: Utilizing a standardized multidisciplinary rounds checklist paired with education. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Virtual Poster)
Bynaker, C., Leontie, S., & Argenbright, C. (2024). Preoperative assessment of inpatient and emergency
department surgical patients. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Podium)
Evans, M. (2024). Reducing no shows in a behavioral health setting: A program evaluation. The Sigma
Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Podium)
Farmer, A. (2024). Implementing of a telemonitoring hypertension program. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Podium)
Ford, T. (2024). Naloxone education and distribution in acute care setting: A review of literature. The
Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Podium)
Moez, H. (2024). Reduction of seclusion and restraint among children and adolescents in inpatient psychiatric: A health policy analysis. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Podium)
Moss, J. (2024). Advanced practice clinician outcomes: Pre/post implementation of an advanced practice
clinician council. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Podium)
O’Laughlin, S. (2024). A program evaluation: Improving stroke/TIA outcomes. The Sigma Omega Zeta
Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Podium)
Peters, J., Kile, D., & Argenbright, C. (2024). Impact of resiliency training on stress levels among new
graduate nurses. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Podium)
Stace, L. (2024). Implementation of a standardized screening and referral process for social determinants of health for families with children within two rural health clinics. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Podium)
Stowell, S. (2024). Evaluation of colorectal rescreening program in rural Virginia. The Sigma Omega Zeta Chapter 6th Annual Research and Scholarship Day. Harrisonburg, VA. USA. (Podium)
Occupational Therapy
Doss, Kala (2024). The JMU Department of Health Professions & Master of Occupational Therapy Program Community Partner of the Year Award
JMU The Graduate Student Showcase of Research and Creative Activities:
Samuels, A., Ellis, C., Reid, M., & Dorne, R. (2024, April). Exploring the perceived role competence of occupational therapists in treatment of substance abuse disorders across different clinical settings. Presented at the JMU Showcase of Graduate Student Scholarship and Creative Activities, Harrisonburg, VA, United States.
Tolentino, B., Jeppson, Z., Gajdek, E., & Wenos, J. (2024, April). The efficacy of ASIST training for students in allied health and related fields. Poster presented at the JMU Showcase of Graduate Student Scholarship and Creative Activities, Harrisonburg, VA, United States.
VOTA Annual Conference 2023:
Bonham, J.P., Hubshman, O., Stewart, M., & Wessel, I. (2023, October). Building capacity through self-regulation in interprofessional teams. Poster presented at the Virginia Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, United States.
Dorne, R., Rogalski, R. Bunn, J., Kinsky, S. (2023, October). Exploring the supports and barriers for students seeking mental health services on college campuses. Poster presented at the Virginia Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, United States.
Bonham, J.P., Wenos, J., Juergens, C., Cajigas, M., & Lazarus, S. (2023, October). Exploring the effect of holistic training targeting perceived stress, mindfulness, and self-compassion on ECE performance patterns and well-being. Poster presented at the Virginia Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, United States.
Yun, A.R. Bartal, E., Black, H., Hardy, N., House, S.F., Rogalski, R., & Richards, T., (2023, October). OT nation: applying the OT process, one population at a time! works in progress. Presented at the Virginia Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, United States.
Savelyev, L., Yun, A.R., Clawson, C., & Ramsey, R. (2023, October 21). Conversations that matter: resources to assist individuals facing health disparities and inequity. Presented at the Virginia Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA United States.
Young, T., Larkin, D., & Yun, A. R. (2023). Promoting positive mental health in occupational
therapy graduate students. OT Practice, 28, (12) pp. 28-31.
Physician Assistant
Ablack, Ananda and Arquette-Overman, Angelina. Perceived Barriers within the Pre-PA Population.
Bernot, Anne and Colantonio, Elizabeth. A New Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis: Microfragmented Adipose Tissue Injections.
Chapin, Madison and Chessock, Michelle. Platelet Rich Plasma Injections Compared to Hyaluronic Acid Injections in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis.
Doody, Rebecca and Hall, Harrison. CFTR Modulator Therapy in the Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis as Compared to Placebo.
Dye, Jacob and Horton, Aaron. Is there a place for REBOA in Penetrating Chest Trauma?
Gieringer, Gabrielle and Park, Crystal. The Effect of Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy on Alleviating Symptoms of IBS in Adults.
Howard, Megan and Stutz, Kate. Post Chondral Defect Reconstruction and Knee Functionality: How do ACI and Mosaicplasty Compare?
Levine, Sophia and Winter, Andrea. Does the Use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Improve the Likelihood of Embryo Implantation and Advancement to Pregnancy in those Struggling with Recurrent Failure by IVF?
Lien, Brandon and McKechnie, Jason. High-dose Psilocybin Reduces Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder.
Lubin, Lindsey and Barker, Emma. Effect of Lymphatic Microsurgical Preventive Health Approach (LYMPHA) on the Prevention of Lymphedema in Breast Cancer Patients.
Mayo, Gabrielle and Ballard, Suzi. The Efficacy and Safety of Nirsevimab in the Prevention of RSV Related Infections in Healthy Infants.
Muns, Darcy and Fuller, Jessica. Serum microRNA Expression in the Diagnosis and Management of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Athletes.
Paczewski, Julianna and Uvodich, Heidi. Anxiety Levels Associated with Coping Mechanisms in First Year Physician Assistant Students.
Patel, Poonam and Midland, Andrew. The Effectiveness of Melatonin as a Sleep Aid Medication in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Paxman, Aysha and Jansen, Claire. Investigating the Protective Role of Breastfeeding against Postpartum Depression
Velaquez, Maite and Fiutak, Kaela. Semaglutide Injection for Weight Reduction in Non-Diabetic Adults with Overweight and Obesity.
Psychological Sciences
Patterson, C. & Herr, R. (2023, October 18-20). Finding latent profiles of student success skills to predict retention. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Education Research Association, Trumbull, CT.
Herr, R. & Finney, S.J. (2023, October). Program theory and implementation fidelity: Critical components to learning improvement. Presented at the annual meeting of the Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
Finney, S.J., Stewart, J., Wild, A., Herr, R., & LaFrance, S. (2024, March). Enhancing equity in programming and assessment: A rubric to guide your intentional work. Presented at the annual meeting of NASPA, Seattle, WA.
Meikrantz Sharp, M.K, Herr, R. & Finney, S.J. (2024, March). Improving equity and inclusion for international students: Using data to guide belonging interventions and student success programming. Paper presented at the annual meeting of NASPA, Seattle, WA
Patterson, C. & Herr, R. (2023, October). Finding latent profiles of student success skills to predict retention. Invited presentation presented for the Center for Assessment and Research Studies (CARS) at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Henriques, J., Leventhal, B., Gilmore., J., & Bao, Y. (2024) The impact of time of day on motivation and performance for a university low-stakes assessment. Presentation at Graduate Psychology Symposium at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Gilmore, J., Bao, Y., Henriques, J., Leventhal, B. (2024, April 19). Identifying patterns of disengagement in a low-stakes assessment. Presentation at Graduate Psychology Symposium at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Mehou, J. M., Leventhal, B. C., Hunsberger, J., Bao, Y., (2024, April).Using an IRTree to investigate examinee level predictors of disengagement. Presentation at Graduate Psychology Symposium at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Finney, S., & Herr, R. (2023, September 1). Program theory. [3-hour workshop as part of the Assess & Progress Series]. Center for Assessment and Research Studies, James Madison University, VA.
Wild, A., McFadden, M., & Mehou, J. (2023, October 6). Creating & mapping programming to objectives. [3-hour workshop as part of the Assess & Progress Series]. Center for Assessment and Research Studies, James Madison University, VA.
Herr, R., & Shapovalov, Y. A. (2024, January 5). Implementation fidelity. [3-hour workshop as part of the Assess & Progress Series]. Center for Assessment and Research Studies, James Madison University, VA.
Finney, S.J., Stewart, J.P, Wild, A.N., Herr, R.K. & Schaefer, K.E. (in press). A meta-assessment rubric to guide professional development and practice in equitable outcomes assessment. Research & Practice in Assessment.
Teacher Leadership
Jordan Biller, Inaugural Lab School Teacher, East Rockingham High School
Zugelder, B. S., & Juart Lunsford, J. (2023). Evidence-based instructional coaching to improve writing instruction in elementary school. In J. VanSlander (Ed.) Instructional leadership efforts and evidence-based practices to improve writing instruction (pp. 47-76). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-8661-0.ch003
Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication
Iliana Cosme-Brooks, WRTC Outstanding Graduate Student Award
Iliana Cosme-Brooks, Contributor to "Opening the World of Black Poetry: A Furious Flower Syllabus," a collaborative project from the Furious Flower Poetry Center.
Sara Mustafa, Communications and marketing intern for PlusPlanner in Seoul, South Korea.
Tochukwu Emmanuel Ngwu, As an intern at CISR, Tochukwu leveraged his expertise in social media and communication to support the West African Regional Learning Center of the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI).
Mohammed Saifullai, Intern for Embassy of Ghana in Washington, D.C. where he assisted with writing, documentation processing, and content creation.
Iliana Cosme-Brooks, Presented award-winning project Mapping the Black Digital and Public Humanities at the 2023 Conference on Community Writing
Adrianna Ladd, Presented her thesis research at the International Writing Centers Association (IWCA) Conference in Baltimore
Tochukwu Emmanuel Ngwu, Presentation accepted for fall 2024 SIGDOC Conference "Popularizing Health Information/Literacy through Humorous Storytelling in Digitally Mediated Health and Risk Messaging: A Case Study of Videos from Aprokodoctor"