Are you looking for an opportunity to impact and engage with the JMU community? OSARP provides unique opportunities for JMU students through a variety of positions. For more information, please contact our office.

Employment - Undergraduate Student Opportunities

Office Assistant (Federal Work Study Position)

This position is responsible for many administrative tasks, including answering phones, entering data, and providing customer service. Responsibility and attention to detail are essential as this position handles a great deal of important and confidential data.

Student Case Administrators

Student Case Administrators (SCAs) are undergraduate students who conduct one-on-one Individual Administrative Case Reviews for students who are alleged to have violated university policy. In an Individual Administrative Case Review, SCAs evaluate evidence to determine whether or not the Responding Party is responsible for violating policy and, if applicable, assign outcomes. SCAs participate in staff training and professional development within OSARP; assist with various programs, outreach opportunities, and educational programs; and collaborate in the recruitment and selection of staff and volunteers. SCAs are selected in collaboration with the Student Government Association.

Student Case Administrator - Substance Education Programs

Student Case Administrator - Personal Success Programs

Student Case Administrator - Restorative Practices

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