Recognized student organizations and students groups who are assigned outcome(s) during the Organizational Accountability Process should refer to their final decision information for instructions and deadlines related to outcome(s) completion. The Organizaitonal Representative (President or Team Captain) for the recognized student organization or student group should contact our office with additional questions.
Individual students who are found responsible for violation(s) of university policy during an OSARP process may be required to complete outcome(s). After a final decision is rendered for a case, OSARP sends information about the final decision and any applicable outcomes to the student’s official JMU email address. Please refer to that email for additional instructions regarding outcome(s) completion.
The JMU Honor Council and Office of Equal Opportunity can also assign students to complete educational outcomes or Restorative Practices as the result of their processes.
For complete and current descriptions of our Educational Programs, Restorative Practices, and other outcomes, please visit the Student Handbook.
Questions about By the Numbers, Well Dukes Coaching, Values in Action, Calling the Shots, and the Mentor Experience should be directed to Questions about Restorative Practices (Intakes & Outcomes, Circle Processes, and Conversations about Conflict) should be directed to
Complete Required Outcomes
By the Numbers is a program that is completed through a Canvas course. Students assigned to complete By the Numbers are provided access to Canvas via their JMU email. Please refer to the final decision email for your case, sent from for more information and your deadline for completion.
In order to complete By the Numbers, you must complete the three modules in the Canvas course. Once submitted, your modules will be assessed by an OSARP staff member for adequacy and completeness. After reviewing your By the Numbers submission, an OSARP staff member will contact you via JMU email to let you know if By the Numbers is complete or if you need to revise your answers.
If you are unable to access the Canvas course, please contact
Failure to complete, schedule, attend, or be on time for programs/meetings, failing to complete related assignments, or failing to follow program expectations may result in a $50 fine per program/meeting not completed by the deadline and a student account hold, which prevents class registration and is typically only removed once outstanding outcome(s) are verified as completed by OSARP. Repeated failure may result in an alleged policy violation of Failure to Comply with an Outcome.
Well Dukes offers one-on-one coaching to help students identify and reach their personal well-being goals. Trained coaches take a positive approach, focusing on student strengths and working in partnership to support change. Conversations are confidential, free-of-charge, and can address diverse topics such as social and relationship well-being, alcohol and other drug use, nicotine cessation, sleep habits and stress management.
Schedule your first appointment with a facilitator using the calendar options provided (you will schedule your second appointment, if applicable, when you attend your first appointment). Once scheduled, you will receive a confirmation email with your appointment date, time, and location. If you have issues scheduling your first appointment, please contact Paige Hawkins at
OSARP staff will be notified by Well Dukes Coaching staff upon completion of the required outcome.
Students are considered to have failed to complete the Well Dukes Coaching if they do not attend TWO scheduled appointments, regardless of the completion deadline provided by OSARP.
Failure to complete, schedule, attend, or be on time for programs/meetings, failing to complete related assignments, or failing to follow program expectations may result in a $50 fine per program/meeting not completed by the deadline and a student account hold, which prevents class registration and is typically only removed once outstanding outcome(s) are verified as completed by OSARP. Repeated failure may result in an alleged policy violation of Failure to Comply with an Outcome.
Once you have attended the Values in Action Workshop, you will need to submit your Values Homework Assignment via email by the deadline provided. To submit your assignment, email your Values Homework Assignment to with the subject line “Values Homework”. Submissions will only be accepted as a word document or as a PDF; no cloud-based submissions will be accepted. If you need a reminder of the Values Homework Assignment:
Write about one CURRENT or UPCOMING ethical decision you need to make. These decisions are ones where you need to stop, think through multiple options, and then decide to act in a way that most aligns with a set of values. Write a 1.5-page, double-spaced paper detailing the decision and the action you are planning to take. To fulfill this requirement, include the following:
- What is the decision?
- What possible actions could you take?
- How would your top three values impact your decision making?
- How would any three of the eight key questions impact your decision making?
- Which values or 8KQs, were most helpful in making a decision? Why?
- How did you decide to act? Please explain your rationale.
In order to complete this program, you must attend the Values in Action Workshop AND submit your Values Homework via email by the deadline provided. Once submitted, your Values Homework Assignment will be reviewed by an OSARP staff member for adequacy and completeness. After their review, they will contact you via email to let you know if your outcome is complete or if you need to revise your answers.
Failure to complete, schedule, attend, or be on time for programs/meetings, failing to complete related assignments, or failing to follow program expectations may result in a $50 fine per program/meeting not completed by the deadline and a student account hold, which prevents class registration and is typically only removed once outstanding outcome(s) are verified as completed by OSARP. Repeated failure may result in an alleged policy violation of Failure to Comply with an Outcome.
This three-week, 6-hour, program guides students towards making future decisions more consistent with their values and in compliance with the law. Harrisonburg and/or JMU police participate in this program to answer students' questions and address risk-reduction strategies. This program was designed for students who were found responsible for an Alcohol policy violation.
Failure to complete, schedule, attend, or be on time for programs/meetings, failing to complete related assignments, or failing to follow program expectations may result in a $50 fine per program/meeting not completed by the deadline and a student account hold, which prevents class registration and is typically only removed once outstanding outcome(s) are verified as completed by OSARP. Repeated failure may result in an alleged policy violation of Failure to Comply with an Outcome.
Written Submissions –
Mentee Expectations
- Make contact with you mentor within 24 hours of your intake meeting via the email address provided at the intake meeting.
- Spend at least one hour with your mentor each week.
- Provide your mentor advance notice of any need to cancel for legitimate reasons.
- Complete all assignments required by your mentor.
- Keep track of the number of hours you have spent with your mentor (they will do the same).
- Complete an online assessment three times: before beginning the program, immediately after completing the program, and one month after completing the program.
Required Submissions
The following must be submitted through email before you attend your exit meeting. Instructions for these activities are included in your Mentee Packet and are linked below:
- Personal Mission Statement
- Set of Goals with Action Steps
- Reflection Paper
Exit Interview
Contact our office after completion of your hours to schedule an exit interview with your coordinator.
Failure to complete, schedule, attend, or be on time for programs/meetings, failing to complete related assignments, or failing to follow program expectations may result in a $50 fine per program/meeting not completed by the deadline and a student account hold, which prevents class registration and is typically only removed once outstanding outcome(s) are verified as completed by OSARP. Repeated failure may result in an alleged policy violation of Failure to Comply with an Outcome.
Written Submissions -
Use the Restorative Practices email address above to submit your item(s) to the Restorative Practices staff. Submissions may include reflection papers or apology letters resulting from a restorative process, intake meeting, Restorative Agreement, or Conversation about Conflict program. Follow the guidelines provided to you by the staff to make sure your submission meets the stated requirements.
Failure to complete, schedule, attend, or be on time for programs/meetings, failing to complete related assignments, or failing to follow program expectations may result in a $50 fine per program/meeting not completed by the deadline and a student account hold, which prevents class registration and is typically only removed once outstanding outcome(s) are verified as completed by OSARP. Repeated failure may result in an alleged policy violation of Failure to Comply with an Outcome.