
The OSARP Staff pledges our support to students, faculty, staff, and local communities as actions of hatred and threats of violence continue to occur in the world around us. We stand in solidarity with all communities who are targets of oppression, aggression, and discrimination. Continued targeting, leading more recently to tragedies impacting Black and other communities of color, reflects a longstanding history of structural and systemic injustice.

OSARP acknowledges these structural and systemic issues which prevent access to constitutional rights and protections for communities of color; rights and protections that should be afforded to everyone. Further, we recognize justice and accountability structures are avenues in which these violations are often perpetrated, feeding cycles of oppression. 

Staff members in OSARP strive to serve as advocates and allies for social justice. As such, we are committed to critically reviewing our processes, procedures, and policies to ensure they are fair for all students. Through our critical review, and in consultation with others, we will evaluate the ways in which we address behavior and adjudicate cases to ensure all students receive a fair and impartial process. We will increase the amount of bias training we provide to those who adjudicate cases and make necessary improvements to existing trainings. We will continue to expand our understanding of systems of oppression and our roles and responsibilities within these. We will continue to educate ourselves about social justice and inclusion to promote equitable services, programs and restorative practices.

OSARP will continue to support the efforts of policies and units on and off campus charged with addressing acts of hatred and threats of violence against those who are targeted, in particular our communities of color.  OSARP pledges to be a voice for underrepresented communities in spaces where structural and systemic issues prevent these acts from being addressed in just ways. 

Our Mission

We facilitate student development and restoration through a fair process that holds students accountable to community and university standards in order to support student and community success.

Our Purpose

The Office of Student Accountability & Restorative Practices, a department within Student Affairs, handles JMU community standards violations. Our goal is to educate students about policies, community standards, and their responsibilities as citizens of JMU and Harrisonburg, while considering the safety of the entire JMU community.

Our Goals


Collaborate with internal and external partners to serve as a resource and consultant to meet the needs of students and the community.


Our staff will proactively and reactively address harms, obligations and safety concerns in the campus and Harrisonburg communities.


Creates and upholds a fair process to address behavior contrary to the standards of the community.


We will hold students accountable for their actions by providing opportunities for learning and growth through educational processes and programs.

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