Students on Quad

OSARP approaches student conduct from educational, developmental and restorative perspectives. We believe that individual behaviors do not represent an individual as a whole.  We also believe that it is possible to change behavior and to learn from mistakes.  We strive to motivate students to make decisions that will promote their success as students and adults living in community.

When determining possible sanctions, we consider not only the particular incident and violation/s for which the student was found responsible but also the overall needs of that individual student. A student’s need for the benefit provided by a particular sanction is not necessarily dependent on their behavior in a particular instance but on the totality of their life experience. Although we place a high value on consistency in our process, we also recognize that every situation and every person is different and we reflect that through our sanctioning.

Our sanctions are designed to be educational in nature and based on current theory, best practices and relevant assessment. Ultimately, we hope to engage in a relationship with students in order to turn negative incidents into opportunities for positive growth.


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