Assistant Director, Restorative Practices
Contact Info
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
What I do in OSARP
Among other things in OSARP, my main responsibilities include:
- Overseeing the Restorative Practices unit, case load, and programs
- Managing, scheduling, and facilitating Restorative Intake Meetings, Restorative processes, and the Adaptable Resolution process
- Participating as a case administrator who adjudicates minor, major, and flexible cases
- Supervising the Coordinator of Restorative Practices and overseeing the supervision of the Restorative Practices Graduate Assistant and other Restorative Practices student staff
About Me
I graduated from the University of Oregon with a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Environmental Studies and minoring in Sociology. In 2019, I returned to the University of Oregon to complete a Master of Science in Conflict and Dispute Resolution. During my two years in the program, I became certified in Mediation and Family Mediation and focused my studies on Trauma-Informed Restorative Justice. In addition, I completed a year-long Restorative Justice internship at the Center for Dialogue and Resolution in Eugene, Oregon. As a Restorative Justice Intern, I gained experience facilitating Restorative Justice dialogues with youth and adults and received several trainings in Restorative Practices.
In October 2021, I moved to Harrisonburg to begin working as the Coordinator of Restorative Practices in OSARP. In June 2023, I was hired for my current position as the Assistant Director of Restorative Practices.
I love working with JMU students to address and prevent conflict and to promote empathy, accountability, and a commitment to community well-being. I am proud to be a member of the JMU community.