Alternative Transportation at JMU

Congratulations! You are Being The Change right here on campus! By walking, scootering, riding a bike, or even taking transit rather than driving you are making a difference by reducing traffic congestion, air and noise pollution, and your environmental impact while improving sustainability, your health, and saving money! Studies show that people who use active transportation to commute have positive correlations to better mental health, stress reduction, and increased focus at tasks (such as attentiveness in class or at work) after their commute.  

The Office of Alternative Transportation is here to support student, faculty, and staff Dukes who want to get around JMU in any way that does not involve a single occupancy vehicle. Please let us know how we can help you! Email us at or call us at 540-568-8953.

All of the buses at James Madison University are owned and operated by the City of Harrisonburg’s Department of Public Transportation. If you have questions or concerns about bus service please fill out this form. You can contact the HDPT directly at 540-432-0492 or 

JMU Commuter Rideshare

Need some help figuring out how to get where you need to go? Would you like someone to commute with, no matter your mode? The JMU Commuter Rideshare site is for you!

Enter your start and end destinations, and it will tell you how to get there by walking, biking, taking the bus, or carpooling. Create an account to see others with the same commute. The more people who use the site, the better it works. There is a calculator to let you know the impact of your commute mode on your pocketbook. Need a little more incentive? We offer regular prizes and discounts for the JMU community (use your JMU email address when you sign up).

Sign up or find out more at !


Email or call (540) 568-8953.

If you have questions or concerns about bus service you can contact the HDPT at 540-432-0492 or 


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