Use the list below to explore some of the offices, departments and other resources that impact your faculty service at JMU.

(A-F)    (G-L)    (M-R)    (S-Z)

4-VA (568-7447, - a collaborative partnership between six Virginia universities that is powered by 4 initiatives. Our mission is to promote collaborations that leverage the strengths of each partner university and improve efficiencies in higher education across the Commonwealth of Virginia. 4-VA at JMU Request for Proposals.

American Association of University Professors at James Madison University (AAUP-JMU) ( - AAUP-JMU is the local chapter of the American Association of University Professors at JMU. Contact us at or

Card Services (568-6446, - The JMU Card Services office provides the official identification card, JACard, which permits access to most university services and facilities.

Center for Assessment & Research Studies (568-6706, - Provides support for all assessment of student learning outcomes at JMU, fosters scholarship on higher education assessment, and sets a high standard for assessment and measurement practices.

Center for Faculty Innovation (568-4846, - Designs and implements faculty-driven programs and services to support faculty in their multidimensional roles as teachers, scholars, leaders, and advisers.

Center for Global Engagement (568-5209, - Collaborates with faculty on international education initiatives, from integrating global perspectives in classrooms on campus, global research collaboration, leading a study abroad program overseas, or supporting international students at JMU.

City Bus Schedule (540-432-0492, - Bus system offered in conjunction with the City of Harrisonburg with routes on and off campus.

Classroom Technology ( - Find information about the technology and equipment in classrooms across campus, which is managed by the Classroom Technology Services department, part of JMU Libraries.

Community Engagement & Volunteer Center (568-6366, - Information to help identify and coordinate Community Engaged Learning opportunities for faculty and students.

Computer Purchases (568-3555, - Academic unit and personal computer purchases.

Computing at JMU ( - JMU email, Office 365, Zoom, WebEx, SharePoint, LinkedIn Learning, computing policies, security, getting connected, IT Help Desk, test scoring, assessment and testing lab, computing labs, hardware and software. For a “quick” start to JMU Computing Technology, visit

Counseling Center ( - Provides information and support to help faculty respond to student behavior that may cause uncertainty, concern, and/or alarm. Information on ways to recognize student distress, respond, and refer to support services can be found in the Purple Folder resource. Consultation services are also available. Additional resources (i.e., sample syllabi statements regarding mental health resources) have been developed by the Counseling Center. These are accessible on the CC’s Faculty/Staff Resource Page.

Dean of Students (568-6468, - Assists students and others in the areas of:

  • Supporting and advising students and families during challenging situations through the university care program, Madison Cares
  • Normalizing setback and obstacles by sharing the stories of our community and getting students connected to a mentor-based Rebound program to create plans for success and to meet wellness goals
  • Notifying faculty of extended absences from class when a student is unable to attend due to extenuating circumstances and will be out more than two days
    • Such notifications are sent as a convenience for the student, but do not excuse the student’s absence. It is the responsibility of the student to contact each professor upon their return regarding the professor’s policy for missed classes, assignments, etc.
  • Referring students to resources to increase the likelihood of their success
  • Provide individualized student-centered life skills and learning strategies coaching through the Learning Success Strategies program
  • Consulting with faculty, staff and students regarding distressed and disruptive students; referrals to appropriate resources

Ethical Reasoning in Action (ERiA) (568-4646,—ERiA provides student and faculty programming focusing on the Eight Key Questions ethical reasoning strategy. ERiA's mission supports the university’s mission to prepare students to be “educated and enlightened citizens who lead productive and meaningful lives.” ERiA can provide training and ethical reasoning resources for professional and curriculum development.

Faculty Ombudsperson (Charles Blake, - Wine-Price 3047) - The Ombudsperson is an independent and neutral third party on campus for faculty members with questions, disputes or other concerns. FAQs.

General Education Program (568-2852, - The core academic program of James Madison University. It is required of all students regardless of their major or professional program. Gen Ed Planner pdf Gen Ed Newsletter.

Honor Council ( - The James Madison University Honor Council is committed to instilling, promoting, and upholding individual and collective academic integrity. CFI Teaching Podcast: Understanding the JMU Honor Council.

Honors College (568-6953, - Offers a setting in which students who share a similar enthusiasm for learning are brought together in intellectual fellowship.

Human Resources (568-3825, - Benefit information, retirement, on-boarding, and more.

  • Dual Career and Community Resources Program is a program offered by the Office of Human Resources which supports the recruitment and retention of faculty and staff who are new to the area.
  • Find Your HR Consultant. To allow for direct access, consistent communication, and targeted customer service, an HR Consultant from the team is assigned to a department or unit on campus to serve, assist, and advise customers as needed.
  • Community and Campus Resources listings compiled by JMU HR.

Information Technology Help Desk ( - The central point of contact for the computing support needs of the JMU community. Phone (540) 568-3555, email, submit a ticket online IT Service Portal, or visit in person at the Student Success Center, 4th floor.

The Institute for Constructive Advocacy and Dialogue ( - ICAD helps advance productive conversation skills on campus and in the community by designing conversations that matter and training students as facilitators. ICAD can bring deliberation into your classroom or partner with you on campus events that encourage talking about difficult and complex issues.

Institute for Innovation in Health and Human Services (540-568-2642, - IIHHS brings together faculty, students, and community members to address health and human service needs of vulnerable communities in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Faculty from across the University are invited to collaborate with Institute programs and partners to create learning opportunities for their students, and to conduct community-engaged scholarship.

James Madison Center for Civic Engagement (568-7549, - Collaborates with faculty to incorporate civic learning and democratic engagement opportunities in classes.  Cultivates nonpartisan voter education and engagement as a year-round endeavor.

JMU Balanced Dukes ( - dedicated to helping JMU employees reach a blend of personal satisfaction in four core areas: Work, Family, Community, and Self, in pursuit of a meaningful quality life. We will feature university programming and activities related to Mind, Body, Balance, and Relationship. Programs include: CommonHealth, the employee wellness program for the Commonwealth of Virginia; conferences; affinity groups; wellness workshops; and resources for physical, intellectual, emotional, and financial health.

JMU Bookstore (568-6121, - Textbook and course material adoptionMadison CyberZone (inside the bookstore) offers purchase and repair on Apple and Dell products and authorized sales of Apple & Dell products with discounts and financing options for faculty.

JMU Learning Centers (568-2932, - Supports the diverse learning and scholarship needs of students, faculty, and staff through integrated academic support services in a learner-centered and supportive environment. These programs and services include Communication Center, Science & Math Learning Center, Peer Assisted Study Sessions, and University Writing Center.

JMU Libraries provides expertise in educational technologies, instructional design, di  gital projects, research, information literacy, scholarly communications, classroom technology, and so much more. They also manage physical and online collections to support your research and teaching. Visit their Faculty Services page to learn more.

Madison Caucus for Gender Equality (568-7998, - The caucus reaches out to all professional women and men on campus, understanding that gender based workplace bias affects not only women but men and families as well. About MCGE and plans for 2021.

Madison Hispanic Caucus ( - An organization whose purpose is to be an advocate for Latino issues in higher education, including the educational welfare and advancement of Latinos/as at our University.

MyMadison ( - Web-based employee service center to access payroll, training and other employment information.

Office of Creative Propulsion (568-5656, - Supports students and faculty in ideating, launching, and refining arts-based efforts that promote more equitable and inclusive opportunities for meaningful arts engagement through facilitation of integrative courses, multidisciplinary collaborations, community engagement, and participatory arts experiences.

Office of Disability Services (568-6705, - Assists the university in creating an accessible community where students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to fully participate in their educational experience. These programs and services include Assistive Technology Computer Labs, Disability Services, Learning Strategies Instruction, and Screening and Assessment Services.

Office of Equal Opportunity (568-6991, video) - OEO administers JMU’s commitment to providing an equitable and safe environment free of discrimination for the entire JMU community.

Office of Research and Scholarship (568-2700, - Support and development of innovative opportunities to promote scholarly activities for the university community and advance economic development for the state and region.

Office of Research Integrity (ORI) (568-7025, - ORI promotes a culture of compliance, research integrity, and high quality research within the University community.

Office of Sponsored Programs (568-6872, - Support with grants, proposal and budget development, funding searches and more. OSP servicesOSP Quick Guide. Frequently Required Information for Grant Applications.

Office of Student Accountability and Restorative Practices (OSARP) (540-568-6218,, - OSARP approaches student conduct from an educational, developmental and restorative perspective.  We detail the rights and responsibilities of students, reviewing cases involving disciplinary matters and, when necessary, imposing sanctions for violations in accordance with the policies laid out in the JMU Student Handbook. Additional resources for JMU Faculty & Staff can be found at

Orientation ( - Orientation assists all new first-year and transfer undergraduate students in their transition to campus by offering a 3-phased approach focused on building community, establishing relationships with their peers and academic advisors, and outlining the community expectations.

In Phase 1, students receive The One Book, which is a publication and companion website containing all the important steps, details and information students need to begin their transition to JMU.

Summer Orientation is the second phase. Students come to campus for a one-day program in June or July to hear from JMU administrators, learn about campus traditions, connect with their peers, and meet their academic advisor.

In the third phase, known as Weeks of Welcome, students move to Harrisonburg, meet with their Orientation leaders and immerse themselves in academic and social programs throughout the first few weeks to help them get to know JMU better. 

There will be two websites (one for first year and one for transfer) with recorded sessions:

The Pantry - The Pantry is a food pantry on the JMU campus that is open to all students, no questions asked. It is stocked with shelf-stable goods, some hygiene products, a limited selection of fresh produce, and fresh bread. The Pantry is also funded by monetary donations from JMU Dukes past and present, as well as community members.

You can visit the Pantry at two locations: Taylor Down Under in The Union and EnGeo 0302 near the Pods. You can also order through ThePantryatJMU app.

Website link:

Parking Services (568-3300,

Print Services/Coursepack Service (568-7300, - We provide academic coursepack and printing needs to all of the JMU faculty/staff. We produce high quality, affordable coursepacks by using the latest in digital printing. We accept hardcopy originals, electronic files, or a combination. How to Create a Coursepack.pdf

Professional & Continuing Education (568-4253, - PCE (formerly Outreach & Engagement) serves non-traditional students, offering access to higher education for multiple audiences including certificate, non-degree, and youth programs.

Registrar (568-6281, - MyMadison login, academic calendar, final exam times, posting grades and more.

Research Development (RD) (Email: - Strategically supports efforts by JMU constituents related to pursuing external funding. RD provides external funding opportunity support at the college, program, and individual level including access to RD resources and expertise, learning programs, strategic research alliances, dissemination of funding agency opportunities and fostering of partner relationships with JMU research communities.

Safe Zone ( - A voluntary network of faculty, staff and students who are allies to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, pansexual/panromantic, and asexual/aromantic members of the JMU community. We educate JMU faculty, staff, and students about issues affecting LGBTQIPA+ people, and we believe that every member of the university community should have an equal opportunity to grow and learn in a safe and open environment.

Sisters in Session ( - the Sisters in Session Caucus (SIS) seeks to represent the interest and wellbeing of African, Black, and African American women who occupy various roles or positions across on the JMU campus, providing support, professional development, and peer mentorship through initiatives and gatherings.

Sponsored Programs Accounting (568-8099, - Support principle investigators with the financial administration of sponsored programs.  Office functions include invoicing, indirect costs management, expense approval, and management of effort reporting.

Statistical Consulting Center (568-6184, - Provides statistical expertise to faculty, staff or students.

Student Awards, Initiatives and Research (STAIR) - (568-8817, - STAIR provides targeted resources for research, intellectual growth, and professional development to support inclusive excellence for all students at JMU. We help students identify competitive, external scholarships and fellowships and advise them on planning for the application process, writing personal statements and grant proposals, and preparing for interviews. We also support and promote student creative activities and research providing travel grants, mentored research experiences for first-year students (FYRE), publication opportunities in the undergraduate research journal (JMURJ), and participation in first-year academic honors society (ALD), among other initiatives.

Talent Development (568-3845, website) - Serves administrative and professional faculty as well as classified staff and wage employees with performance improvement opportunities that contribute to the achievement of the university’s mission.

Title IX Office ( - JMU strives as a community to be free from harassment and discrimination in all its forms. The Title IX Office provides support and assistance to any student or employee who has experienced harm.

  • Faculty and staff are encouraged to contact the Title IX Office with questions, concerns, or to make a report.
  • A report can be made through our website’s online report form, by calling 568-5219, emailing, or meeting with us in Holland Yates Hall (formerly Madison Hall) 4023.

Transportation at JMU ( - Links and listing of buses, shuttles, taxi, ride sharing, and biking resources maintained by JMU transportation services.

University Advising (568-7350, - Comprehensive resources to help you advise JMU students through their undergraduate career. University Advising coordinates advising support for academic units, provides training and support to faculty advisors, oversees the development of advising technology delivery systems, and coordinates new transfer student advising. Advising provides essential academic information, regardless of major, to assist in understanding JMU’s graduation requirements.

University Career Center (568-6555, - Can partner with faculty to deliver career readiness content to students through 10-minute UCC promos in class, delivering career-oriented workshops to classes or student groups, or partnering to create career readiness assignments on topics like resume development, interview preparation, career fair, or career exploration.

University Health Center (540-568-6178, - Provides medical services to JMU students. If a student isn’t feeling well, they should be advised to review the Self-Care Options on the UHC website ( They can also call and speak to a nurse during normal business hours. Appointments to see a provider in the clinic can be made online ( or by calling.

  • UHC policy on medical excuses ( - The UHC does not provide students with medical excuses for short-term absences from class, labs, studios, exams or missed deadlines due to illness, injury or other UHC appointments. In the event of a prolonged illness or injury requiring medical attention, the UHC patient advocate works with the Office of the Dean of Students to provide professor notification.

University Programs (568-2852) - Provides oversight and support for large academic programs that involve multiple colleges and departments.  These include the General Education Program, Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies (IdLS), Center for Assessment and Research Studies, Pre-Professional Health Advising, Outreach & Engagement, and University Advising.  University Programs also functions as the dean’s office for undeclared students and coordinates some university-wide academic projects, including the honor code test, summer session, and the registration of new first year and transfer students into appropriate first-semester schedules.

University Recreation (UREC) (568-8732, - UREC motivates Madison into Motion through educational programs, participation opportunities, and support services. UREC a multi-level fitness and wellness center located on the east side of campus featuring adventure, aquatics, fitness, and wellness centers. University Park (UPARK), JMU’s outdoor recreation facility, is located just minutes from campus. Learn about your faculty membership and family hours. Watch a Virtual Tour of UREC!

Victim Advocacy Services ( - JMU Victim Advocacy Services act as a safe, confidential, and inclusive resource for JMU students impacted by sexual violence, relationship abuse, or stalking, whether recently or in the past. An advocate’s role is to be a safe and supportive person with whom students can explore the options and resources available to them and decide what they would like to do next. We also serve family, friends, and other support persons to student survivors, including faculty who may be seeking advice on how best to support a student. To connect a student with an advocate, follow the information on our website, or contact 540-568-6552 and ask to speak to an advocate.

Young Children's Program (568-7098, - An early learning program operated by the College of Education. Its curriculum, environment, and organization are based on professional standards and research related to learning and development of young children. The program operates M-F from 8-3:30 and is for school age 3-4 year olds.

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