Coordinator of Operations
Contact Info
UREC 269
Kara Grosbach (she, her, hers) joined the UREC Team in 2023 as the Coordinator of Operations, Kara oversees the recreation assistants and recreation managers during daily operations and events at UREC, UPARK and other recreation satellite facilities.
Kara graduated from Hood College in Frederick Maryland in 2017 with a degree in Environmental Science and Biology. While in school Kara discovered her love for the outdoors and how much recreational learning was just as important as traditional learning. Through college Kara worked in the summer as a camp counselor, eventually landing her a full-time role in Outdoor Recreation with positions including Instructor, Coordinator, Director and Administrator.
Kara was born in Annapolis, Maryland where her immediate family still lives. Kara spends her free time visiting family, caving with her grotto, creating art and hanging out with friends, her partner and her cat “Foster”. Kara’s favorite things about UREC are how welcoming the community is and how much care and effort is put in by students for students.