UREC offers both in-person and virtual* TEAM Challenge Course programs. Please read more about in-person program options below then fill out the TEAM Request Form. Virtual programs are available upon request.

TEAM Program Request Form

TEAM Challenge Course Topics

UREC's TEAM Challenge Course is a custom experience for your group. Potential topics covered during a TEAM Challenge Course virtual or in-person program include:

  • Community Building
  • Teamwork
  • Trust
  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Problem Solving
  • Cooperation and Cohesion
  • Goal Setting and Decision Making
  • Integrity, Character, and Values
  • Self-Awareness
  • Inter/Intra-personal Relationships
  • Change and Personal Growth

Some of these topics may emerge naturally through the experience, but you can request to have your experience focus on specific topics to meet your group's needs.

Review the different program formats we offer below, then fill out the TEAM Request Form when you're ready.

In-Person TEAM Program Menu

All in-person programs will follow UREC's safety measures and procedural modifications. These are currently being developed for UREC TEAM programs and will be udpated soon.

Break the Ice (2-4 hours): Icebreakers and Initiatives

Whether your group has never met, is adding new members, or just wanting to change up a regular meeting, this is the program for you. With the ability to bring portable initiatives to your space, we will be able to program for your group in an atmosphere that is comfortable for them.

Foundational Teambuilding (2-6 hours): Icebreakers, Initiatives, and Low Challenge Course Elements

Foundation is “the basis or groundwork of anything,” as defined by dictionary.com. The Foundational Teambuilding program is customized to touch on those potential topics which apply to your group’s needs. We utilize activities both prop based as well as our Low Challenge Course Elements to build and/or solidify your group’s foundation.

Synergy (4-8 hours): Icebreakers, Initiatives, Low Challenge Course Elements, and a segment of the Odyssey (our High Challenge Course)

Synergy, as defined by dictionary.com, is “the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements, contributions, etc.” This program is designed to get your group moving like a well-oiled machine. Starting on the ground with some foundational teambuilding, then moving up, literally, to work together at height, the challenge really sets in for your team to be as high functioning as possible.  

Team Odyssey (2-6 hours): Icebreakers, Deinhibitizers and/or Initiatives, and a segment of the Odyssey (our High Challenge Course) 

All student groups must complete a program including Low Challenge Course Elements prior to requesting this program within the same academic year.

This program takes Foundational Teambuilding to a whole new level. We break the ice and get you moving at the first part of the program. From there we gear you up and teach you about our Odyssey Challenge Course. Teams really have to trust and lean on each other to make it through. With many different pathways to experience this Odyssey course the program is unique each time. This program option is only available to your group once a Low Challenge Course program is complete within the academic year. 

Program suggestions by age group

We offer the following programs based on age groups:

  • Elementary Aged: Break the Ice Program here at JMU or possibly on your site
  • Middle School Aged: Break the Ice or Foundational Teambuilding and we have the ability to add the Zip Line to the program
  • High School or Older: Any of the programs can work for your group

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