About Us
Competitive Cheer is a student-run organization through UREC Sport Clubs. The JMU Competitive Cheerleading team has no off season. This team is perfect for the cheerleader who has a genuine passion for the sport of cheerleading and is willing to work hard to accomplish team goals. Welcoming both rookies and veterans, this team does NOT cheer at football or basketball games because we are strictly a competitive team. We typically attend 3-4 competitions in a season along the East Coast!
How to Join
We have tryouts that last three to four days in the fall semester. Participants must demonstrate their skills in tumbling, stunting and dance.
Time Commitment
We have three required practices a week that are two hours each. Practices are mandatory for all participating members on the roster, including alternates.
Dues are based on the competitions that we attend and the travel that is included with it. Therefore, one payment of approximately $800-$1000 will include most of what we do throughout the year. However this amount is subject to change as the exec board sees fit.
Awards, Recognition and Championships
- National Champions 2016-17
- National Champions 2017-18
Contact Us
Email us at: jmuclubcheerleading@gmail.com
Visit our website.