Team and Individual Player

BeInvolved is the official campus community platform. All Sport Club forms will be submitted on BeInvolved through the University Recreation group beginning August 21, 2024. All officers have a unique identifying tag which allows their access to Sport Club program forms. In the event you are an officer and do not have access, please reach out to the Assistant Director for Sports.  

Sport Club Manual
After reading the Sport Club Manual all four officers, which includes the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer must sign and date this form. Doing so pledges that the officers thoroughly understand the content of the manual and will be responsible for expectations stated for both themselves and their team. The club’s entire leadership team needs to be present to complete this form.
Due Date: Prior to first approved practice in the Fall and Spring Semester

Team Roster
The roster must be submitted each semester and updated as needed. Team rosters have pertinent information for contacting all Sport Club participants and is mandatory. Download the Team Roster Template and rename the file with your club’s name. Once completed, the file should besubmitted to BeInvolvedPlease keep in mind this should be submitted as needed to keep your roster up to date. No paper copies will be accepted. 
Due Date: Third Friday of September each year and Third Friday of February each year

UREC's 7 Charges
UREC’s 7 Charges Form are the requirements and expectations for each club's executive officers. All four officers, which includes the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer must sign and date this form. This includes information that the officers should be sharing with their club membership. 
Due Date: Prior to first approved practice in the Fall and Spring Semester

Officer Update
The officer update must be completed yearly in the spring semester. The officer update communicates who each clubs new Executive Officers are for the next year. The officer update must be signed by club officers as well as the club advisor.
Due Date: Third Friday of March each year

Sport Club Award Nomination Form
Please fill out this form to nominate a club or individual for one or more of the following awards: Advisor of the Year, Officer of the Year, Club of the Year, Comeback Club of the Year and more. You can nominate yourself and/or your club. A list of all awards can be found on BeInvolved. The winners will be announced at the End of the Year Banquet on April 29th, 2025.
Due Date: March 28, 2025

Informed Consent And Travel Agreement
The informed consent and travel agreement must be read and signed by every student prior to participating in any club activity, tryouts included.
Due Date: Before participating in any club activity

Participation Numbers Form
The Participation Number Form must be submitted on the 20th of each month. This form is used to track practices, games, community service, fundraising, general club activity and consideration for Sport Club of the Month.
Due Date: 20th of each month

Weekend Highlights
The Weekend Highlights link is used to submit clubs highlights and results from weekend activities. This includes games/competitions, but could also include fundraisers and community service events. This information may be used to update all Sport Club and UREC social media pages if a picture is uploaded. Clubs will be awarded points if Weekend Highlights are submitted by 10 p.m. Monday following the event.
Due Date: 10:00pm Monday following the event

Competitions and Facility Space

Event Request
This link will take you to the JMU Event Management webpage where you can review space for all games, tournaments, meetings or club events. To access the reservation system, you must have completed the Student Event Planner Training on this webpage first.  Once reviewed, the requester will need to complete the Activity Request Form on BeInvolved. Once submitted, the requester will receive a confirmation or denial email within 7 business days. Information regarding reservations, training and campus facilities can also be found by contacting any Sport Club Staff.
Due Date: 3 weeks before event

Travel Roster/Itinerary
The travel roster/itinerary is used to communicate with the Sport Club Staff when a club is leaving JMU, who is going and other trip details. Should the Assistant Director need to contact any club member who is traveling they will be able to. The travel roster/itinerary should be submitted online at least 1 week before travel takes place.
Due Date: 1 week before travel

Practice Request
The practice request is used to communicate club requests for practice space. Based on the clubs current standing within UREC they will be awarded their schedule.
Due Date: 2 Weeks before the Start of the Semester

UREC Event Promotion
UREC Marketing can help you get the word out about your event. Want an ad on one of the UREC TV screens? Design a PowerPoint slide (can be 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio) or image (JPG 1920×1080 pixels) and email it to the Assistant Director for Communications and Engagement. You can also drop off 2 flyers for posting in UREC at the Welcome Center and Sport Club Wall. Allow at least one week for information to be posted.
Due Date: 2 weeks prior to event

Vehicle Request
The Vehicle Request link is used when a Sport Club wants to request a University vehicle or vehicles for travel. This form must be submitted at least three weeks prior to travel for a request to be made but needs to be submitted as early as possible because vehicles fill quickly. Payment for University vehicles comes directly out of your UREC budget. If a club does not have enough money in your budget to cover the cost, you will be responsible for reimbursing UREC. Sport Clubs will receive an email confirmation once their request is filled. Please contact the Coordinator of Sport Clubs with questions about University vehicles.
Due Date: At least three weeks prior to travel

Expenditure and Reimbursement

UREC Sport Club Expense Form
The UREC Sport Club Expense Form must be completed and submitted at least 3 weeks prior to any purchase request needed or 1 week after event for reimbursement. The form is used to pay for tournament/league fees, equipment, flights and for reimbursing a club for hotel stay. The completed form should be submitted on BeInvolved once it is completed. Items to be included with the UREC Sport Club Expense Form for travel are the following: invoice for tournament or league fee, club roster of who is traveling, print out of hotel the club plans to stay at. If you are using the form to make a purchase request, please include a quote form the company for the equipment.
Due Date for Purchases: 3 weeks prior

Due Date for Reimbursements: 1 week after

Travel Authorization Supporting Documentation

Community Service and Supportive Funds

Verification for Community Service: Individual or Group
Once a community service project is completed, download and complete the Verification for Community Service form and submit to BeInvolved.
Due Date: Within 1 week after event

Verification for Fundraising
Once a fundraising event is completed, download and complete the Verification for Fundraising form and submit to BeInvolved.
Due Date: Within 1 week after event

Coaches and Officials

Coach/Instructor Application
The coach/instructor application needs to be turned in to Sport Club Staff to communicate when club membership has decided to have a coach or instructor present to run practices and games. This will allow the coach or instructor to be eligible for a guest parking pass as well. If the club wants to pay this person they must complete the W-9, Skilled Services Contract and Appendix L. The coach/instructor application should be handed into the Coordinator of Sport Clubs as needed.
Due Date: As it applies

The W-9 should be used when a club wants to pay a coach or official for services rendered or have not filled one out with UREC to receive reimbursement. The W-9 must be completed and signed by the person who is providing the service. It must be submitted with a skilled services contract and appendix L to be processed. The W-9 should be handed in to the Coordinator of Sport Clubs 3 weeks prior to payment need.
Due Date: 3 weeks prior to payment need

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