About Us
JMU Club Climbing is a place where new and experienced climbers can be challenged to push themselves through climbing. Here we foster a sense of belonging, building camaraderie through weekly practices and competitions in an inclusive, friendly environment. In addition, we hold biweekly meetings discussing topics such as upcoming events, community goals, techniques, and much more! Our club prides itself in our tight knit community where we host social events, education on climbing, and give back to our community through service.
Through our University Recreation, we are able to hold two climbing competitions every year. Astro Bloc in the Fall, and Reach Out in the Spring. We invite citizens and other universities to join us in friendly competition!
JMU Club Climbing is complemented by JMU Team Climbing. Club Climbing is open to anyone, but Team Climbing does hold tryouts. Team consists of a mens and womens division, as seen in mainstream climbing competitions. Team holds additional practices every week to hone in techniques and build strength for high level competition! The Team travels to compete in the USA Climbing Collegiate Circuit, and for this a USA Climbing membership is required. However, we as a club are also invited to compete in other University climbing competitions like our very own Astro Bloc and Reach Out. There are associated dues with each.
How to Join
There are no tryouts to join JMU Club Climbing; all JMU students who are interested in climbing and want to join may do so. Conversely, JMU Team Climbing does hold tryouts for admittance. To find us: Show up at Student Organization Night at the beginning of the Fall or Spring Semester to learn more, ask questions, and get information on our interest meeting typically the second week of every semester. If you're looking to join halfway through a semester don't fret, shoot us an email and we'll get back to you with information ASAP!
Time Commitment
There isn’t a great time commitment to our club! We have weekly club practices and biweekly meetings for club members to attend. We do have other club requirements to meet, but those are minor and don’t take long. Regardless, feel free to reach out about them!
While requirements are nothing to stress about, we do require 5 service hours, payment of dues to help us put on social events, competitions, merchandise and much more. We also require obtaining a belay certification and roster completion, all of which we’ll help you achieve when you decide to join. Team Climbing has separate costs associated, contact us for more information.
Contact Us
Email us at jmuclimbing@gmail.com.
Follow us on Instagram @jmuclubcliming.
Visit our website.