About Us
JMU Club Fencing is a smaller co-ed club focused on practicing and competing in fencing events while still maintaining a social environment. We practice all three blades: épée, foil and sabre, and include lessons for new fencers to learn the basics of each blade. We compete in at least four collegiate tournaments across the east coast each semester and host a rated United States Fencing Association (USFA) event each spring.
How to Join
Anyone is welcome to join, though we do ask new fencers with little to no experience to spend a semester in our beginner practice program to learn the foundations of fencing.
Time Commitment
We practice four days per week for three hours each. Practices are open so members can drop-in as they please.
Beginner practices are more rigidly structured for teaching purposes for an hour and a half twice a week. We ask that beginners attend as many of these lesson times as possible, though other arrangements can be made if necessary.
Dues are $75 per semester and include all equipment, training, travel and tournament fees.
Awards, Recognition and Championships
Each of our blade teams has won a variety of different events across the years, though most recently our co-ed foil team placed third in the Balt Wash Collegiate Fencing final in 2019.
Contact Us
Email us at jmufencing@gmail.com.
Follow us on Instagram.