About Us

We are a co-ed team with anywhere from 60-80 members per year, and are open to all skill levels, from beginner to premier. We operate all school year long, playing indoors when the weather doesn't allow for outdoor play. We have a competitive team that plays in the East Bay region, consisting of schools from Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. We travel for college tournaments, as well as Spikeball Tour Series (STS) events. We also have casual players and open pickup during the week for those who don't want to play competitively.

How to Join

If you wish to join, DM us on our Instagram @jmuroundnet. We do not have tryouts for those who want to play competitively, however, you will need to earn a spot on a travel team for tournaments by showing high-level skill at pickups and practices.

Time Commitment

Open pickup is twice during the week, with competitive team practice and play on Sundays. We compete in 1-4 tournaments a semester between STS events and college tournaments. If you wish to play competitively it is highly encouraged that you come several times a week, especially on Sundays. Pickups and practices last for 2 hours.


Dues are $30 per semester, and go to getting equipment, registering for tournaments, and travel/housing for tournaments.

Awards, Recognition and Championships
  • 2023 4th Place East Bay Fall Regionals
  • 2023 T-5 College Nationals
  • 2023 3rd Place East Bay Spring Regionals
  • 2022 T-9 College Nationals
  • 2022 4th Place East Bay Spring Regionals
  • 2017 1st Place East Bay Fall Collegiate Regionals
Contact Us

Email us at jmuspikeball@gmail.com 
Visit our Instagram at @jmuroundnet

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