

About the UREC 96ers

In 2015, a group of passionate UREC alumni and current staff began fundraising with a goal of creating a $50,000 UREC Student Employee Scholarship endowment. The goal was to help relieve some financial burden for student employees, so that they can continue the tradition of excellence and Motivate Madison into Motion.

Over 120 dedicated UREC employee alumni and friends joined the cause and pledged their support to continuously donate to the fund. We call this group our wonderful "96ers." (UREC was built in 1996.) At UREC's 20th Anniversary in October 2016, over 40 96ers and their families came back to Harrisonburg to present a pledge to JMU. In addition to the 96ers, gifts have been made by over 100 additional donors. In April 2018, the fund hit $50,000 and in October 2021 the fund surpassed $100,000!

View fund progress and learn about the UREC Student Employee Scholarship!

We hope alumni continue supporting the fund so that we can make the biggest impact for future student employees. We thank our donors for their generosity and leaving a legacy that will continue long into the future.

UREC 96ers

Amy Abercrombie
Michael Adams
Megan Flosdorf and Emmanuel Akogyeram
Dirron Allen*
Sharon Alva
Scott & Valerie Arbogast
Sam Axley
Holly Bailey
Michael Basgier
Josh Bensink
Scott Berger
Zephan Blaxberg
Steve Bobbitt
Taylor Book
Hilary M. Bride
The Brocato Family
Candice Bronez (Landon)
Jeremy T. Bullock
Tucker Burch
Dan Bureau
Tim Buser
David Calafiore
J.W. Cannon
Julie Wallace Carr
Maggie Glenn Carter
Tarin Carter
Kelly McInteer Chivvis
Thomas Colombell
Aaron and Carrie Combs*
Greg and Heather Corack
Hannah Covington
Jessica Dang
Jason Alexander Darby
Bradley Davis
Lindsey Eades
Tim Eades
Erin Erford
Kate Mercke Eshaghoff
Megan (Eicholtz) Filipowicz
Rachael "Roach" Finley

Chris Fiocchi
Adam & Erica Foltz
Heather & Jason Foster
Heather Gately
Christina Georgia
Kristin Gibson*
Maggie Carter Glenn
Stephanie Goetz
Bob Golson* 
Jonah Goobic
Robert H Gough Jr
Jason Grieshaber
Sasha and Johanna Griffith
Tim Groth
Stu & Mariel Halsall
Ashley Harman
Whitney Harper
Kelly Harrell
Zac Hittie
Sarah Gigantino Hogan
Erin Dolan Huntley*
Peter Isaac*
Alex Jones
Chris and Veronica Jones
Lisa Janz Karvonen
Will Kramer
Brad Kurtz
Maggie Lajza
Brandon & Allegra Lapetina
Aaron Lawlor
Madison Lewis
Jacob Lodge
Drew and Hilary Loso
Neil Marrin
Sophia Marshall
Tyler and Catherine McKee
Leigh McMullan
Courtney Goldsmith Meador
Alison and Mark Miller
Christian Miller
Lorie Miller
Donnie Mix
Allison Mizer*
Teesha Monroe
Kathryn Morgan

Jordan Morris
Tamer Moumen
Cate Mundy
The Nickel Family
Stephanie Nielsen
Allison Notarantonio
Lisa O’Fallon
Cheryl O'Konek
Nora Osei
Lindsay and Kyle Payne
Taylore & Jay Pence
Chad Phillips
Kaitlin Pomerleau
Ashley Quinn
Dan Quinn
Kara Racicot
Katie Regan
Jason and Samantha Ritter
Stefanie Rodgers
Brittany Roenker
Amy Ross
Drew Salvador
Paul Sexton
Jen Shelley
Sarah Sheppard
Allysha Simmons
William "Basketball Bill" Smith
Kristen and Blake Sonnek-Schmelz
Colleen Sorem
Jeramy Spitzer
Amanda Stamper*
Lauren Sundquist
Amy Todd
Scott Todd
Shannon Tumelty
Alexandra Vanaman
Anthony Venafro
Emily Waffle
Alison and Jason Walsh
Gillian and Stephen Weber
Colleen McShane Weingarten
Sarah Wright
Bryan and Kate Zopp

*2015-16 Committee Members

It's not too late to join the 96ers! For more information, please contact UREC's Associate Director for UREC Services.

group of students posing at UREC
About the UREC Crossroads Fund

The Crossroads Fund, a UREC student employee donor opportunity, began in April 2018. Each class of donors will be comprised of any current or graduating student who makes a donation of $19.96 by June 30 of that academic year to the Crossroads Fund or the UREC Student Employee Scholarship Fund. 

Named after the location in UREC, "the Crossroads" is the first space one enters in the UREC addition before deciding which pathway to take. The path of paying it forward to future UREC student staff so that they can continue the tradition of excellence is what the Crossroads Fund is all about! UREC opened in 1996, the meaning behind the $19.96 gift level.

Each year, the UREC Student Employee Advisory Council will have the opportunity annually to submit proposals to the Director of University Recreation for uses of the funds, which are intended to be used towards expenditures that improve the UREC student employee experience. 

  • Do I have to be graduating this year to donate?
    • No way! In fact, you could donate each year. Bonus points for non-graduating donors!
  • Can I donate more than $19.96?
    • Of course! Donate to your heart's desire.
  • Can a family member make a gift in my honor?
    • Yes! Just make sure that they put down your name as the "In Honor of" section. Then thank them for being awesome!
  • Can I make a gift in honor of someone at UREC?
    • Yes! Just make sure that they put down their name as the "In Honor of" section and include a note in the "Why did you give" section. We will make sure the message gets to your honoree!
  • I'm an alumni. How can I help?
    • The Crossroads Fund is intended for current or graduating students. Please consider joining the 96ers or making a donation towards the UREC Student Employee Scholarship!
Support the Crossroads Fund

Give Now!

Student Donors

2022 Student Donors

Will Burton ('22)
Tim Groth ('20, '23M)*

2021 Student Donors

Jennifer Dunford (’21M)
Tim Groth ('20, '23M)*
Dylan Scott (’21)
Shay Steinkirchner (’22)

2020 Student Donors

Josh Bensink ('20)*
Amy Ross ('18, '20M)*

2019 Student Donors

Katy Morgan ('19)* 
Jay Pence ('14, '19M)*
Katie Regan ('19M)*
Amy Ross ('18, '20M)*

2018 Founding Student Donors

Katy Morgan ('19)*
Shannon Evans ('18)
Zita Harrington ('18)
Jacob Lodge ('18M)*
Christian Miller ('18M)*
Allison Notarantonio ('17, '18M)*
Nora Osei ('18M)*
Katie Regan ('19M)*

* 96ers

If you have any questions, please contact the Associate Director for UREC Services.

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