Sport Club Council

The Sport Club Council (SCC) is an association of student leaders representing the recognized sport clubs of James Madison University. The mission of the Sport Club Council is to govern and promote both competitive and non-competitive recreational opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students who choose to participate in the sport club program. The SCC seeks to accomplish this by providing administrative, representative, financial and judicial support to those organizations recognized by SCC.

The SCC believes that having an opportunity to participate in organized sport clubs is an important part of one’s collegiate experience and an efficient avenue for recreation at James Madison University. Sport Clubs are accessible to the entire student population, enabling a large number of students to participate on a competitive and/or organized level. The SCC creates an atmosphere for intellectual growth, leadership and experiential learning while representing their respective organization.

  • President: Dylan Wallace – Men’s Ultimate Frisbee Club
  • Vice President: Leah Nitzan Gymnastics Club 
  • Secretary: Callie Hamilton – Club Swimming
  • Treasurer: Lauren Knitter Cross Country & Track Club 

If you are a JMU Sport Club Officer who is interested in any of the positions please contact the Coordinator of Sport Clubs.


Phone: 540-568-8723

Sport Club Office Location: UREC 105

Misconduct Reporting

Any individual who has information about alleged misconduct for a recognized student organization or student group, which includes Sport Clubs, is encouraged to submit a report to the Office of Student Accountability & Restorative Practices (OSARP), who coordinates the Organizational Accountability Process outlined in the JMU Student Handbook. For more information on submitting a report, click the link below.

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