The CRM will generate proactive student alerts for people and groups who directly support student outcomes.

Example of Alerts

Alerts can be seen on any student record, and they are simply notifications to the advisor that something has occurred that has triggered an alert. These alerts are used as an informational "heads up". Advisors may wish to take action on some alerts but they may also be FYI’s. Alerts are visible to advisors but not to student advisors (MAPs). Alerts are not viewable by students.


There are currently 10 types of alerts:

  1. When a student drops from full-time to part-time (12 or more credit hours to 11 or fewer) or when a student drops 5 credit hours or more
    • Reduction in credit hours below 12 or reduced by 5 or more
  2. Students who have a 2.0 or lower GPA (end of semester)
  3. Students who have not registered for classes as of a certain date
  4. Active hold (negative service indicator) on their account
  5. Mid-term grades have been posted for the student. This alert will only shows for two weeks after a mid-term grade is posted. 
  6. Eligible to graduate but has not applied to graduate. Will only appear for students who have completed 95 credit hours or more and have not applied to graduate.
  7. Open support case
  8. Program change (Major/Minor change)
  9. Enrolled in Repeat Credit course
  10. Update to transcript hours 

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