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The Information Technology Help Desk serves as the central point of contact for the computing support needs of the JMU community.
Who can use this Service?
How can I get this Service?
Online: IT Service Portal - submit a ticket or search for answers in the knowledge base
Phone: (540) 568-3555
Email: helpdesk@jmu.edu - provide eID, phone number and specific details (e.g. screenshots, errors, application, browser, etc)
In Person: 4th floor, Student Success Center
Personally-owned equipment: IT support staff are not permitted to physically work on personally-owned computers and mobile devices. Staff will attempt to provide support through documentation and verbal recommendations when possible.
Where can I get Help/Support?
- Applicant Frequently Asked Questions: just applied to JMU and have some questions about activating your JMU eID and logging in to MyMadison?
- eID Resources (Applicants and newly accepted Students): Need to find your JMU eID, need a new activation link?
- New to JMU (Students): Learn about the technology services available on campus and such things as how to download software, connect to the internet, purchase a laptop, and more.
- Duo Resources (applicable to students, faculty, staff and affiliates): learn about two-factor authentication and frequently asked questions, such as how to add a new phone to Duo.
- IT Service Portal: Log in to Search for Answers in our extensive knowledge base or to Request Help. The Quick support link is available to Applicants to request technology assistance.
Still have questions, contact the IT Help Desk (see How can I get this Service? listed above)
Does the Help Desk offer part-time employment opportunities?
Yes, positions are posted on joblink.jmu.edu under the title “ IT Help Desk Customer Support Representative” We seek dynamic, customer service driven student employees that have the ability to learn quickly and the willingness to grow their technical expertise.
Standard Operating Hours*
Mon-Thurs: 8am to 9pm
Fri: 8am to 5pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: 3pm to 7pm
Spring Break: 3/15 - 3/22
Sat and Sun: Closed for Okta Testing
Mon-Thurs: 8am to 9pm
Fri: 8am to 7pm
Sat: TBD
The Front Desk will be closed after 5pm
* The IT Help Desk follows the University schedule for holidays and closings due to inclement weather (see jmu.edu for weather delays and JMU Holiday Schedule and University Closings)