The digital signage hardware requirements are:

  • A power outlet and network port - Facilities Management and Telecom will handle the installation of the outlet and port if they are not currently in place.
  • A display (TV) mount - A tilting wall-mount will typically be sufficient. However, in some cases, a swivel mount may be better suited for the location of your sign. IT can help you determine which mount is best.
  • A display (TV) - Because signs run continuously for extended durations, they should use a professional display rather than a consumer TV for optimal performance and stability. The Dell 55" or Sharp Professional displays are recommended. See the package option below to purchase the display and player together.
  • A media player (computer) - IT's recommendation for the media player is available on Dell's JMU Premier Page in the 'Standard Configurations' section under a special Digital Signage category. There are two digital signage options available for purchase. One option, the '…Media Player Only', includes only the computer. The '…Media Player and TV' option includes the computer, a display, and the mounts for each.

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