Student and alumni (Dukes) Microsoft 365 accounts formerly existed in a separate environment from employee (JMU) accounts. As Microsoft 365 matured, the separation limited to our ability to use Teams, share files, and more. As a result, Information Technology migrated Dukes accounts into the same environment as JMU accounts. The migration did not change student/alumni email addresses (they remain @dukes.jmu.edu), but it removed barriers to communication and collaboration between all accounts at JMU. IT extensively planned and prepared for this migration (sometimes referred to as the "tenant merge") to make it as smooth as possible.
What do I need to do?
Jump to: Employees, Students, Alumni
- Login to https://dukes.jmu.edu
- Students – Use your email address (eID@dukes.jmu.edu) and your eID password. If you have problems, clear your browser cache.
- Additional information and steps can also be found in our IT Service Portal's Knowledgebase
- Launch email on your mobile device and remove/re-add your account:
- Steps on how to remove and re-add your Dukes email account for both desktop and mobile devices can be found in our IT Service Portal's Knowedgebase.
- If you use Outlook on a PC or Mac, launch it and create a new profile:
- If you have previously signed into a Microsoft Office 365 application (such as Microsoft Outlook or Word) and are now being prompted by an "Account error" alert or see a message stating, "Your account doesn't allow editing..."
- Sign out of all accounts found within Office.
- Close any Microsoft Applications that are currently open.
- Sign back into Office using your full email address and your eID password.
- If these instructions do not work however, additional steps may be required and directions can be found in our IT Service Portal's Knowledgebase
- Connect to OneDrive at https://onedrive.com using your full email address and your eID password. Check to make sure all of your files are available. Please note, files that were listed under "Shared" and "Shared with you" will need to be shared with you again by their owner before they are visible in your OneDrive account (see FAQ).
- If you had a Dukes account that existed for testing purposes (i.e. you are not a current student or a JMU graduate prior to December 2021), your account was not migrated. If you need files or emails from the account, please contact the IT Help Desk.
- If you had invited students to a Team in the JMU Microsoft 365 environment prior to the migration, you now need to re-invite them (see FAQ for details).
- Refer students to this webpage for help in reconnecting to email, OneDrive, and Office.
- Go to https://dukes.jmu.edu and click on “Can't access your account?" and use self-service to reset your password. If you have problems, clear your browser cache.
How do I connect to my Dukes account?
Please follow these steps: How to Configure your Dukes Email on all JMU-Supported Devices
What is my Dukes email address?
Your Dukes email address is eID@dukes.jmu.edu.
How do I maintain my Dukes email password?
Dukes email uses your JMU eID password. To change your eID password, or if you forget your password, follow these steps. Dukes account holders without an active eID must maintain their password by changing it every 180 days (or the account will be deleted) by clicking "Can't access your account?" on the dukes.jmu.edu login page.
Am I able to forward email from my Dukes account to a non-JMU account (like Gmail)?
No. Forwarding your email to third-party email accounts is prohibited according to the JMU Electronic Messaging Policy 1209.
How long do graduates keep their Dukes account?
Accounts of graduates who do not re-enroll are deleted on May 1 or October 1 (whichever is sooner) following graduation. After an account is deleted, messages and data may be unrecoverable, so graduating students should make plans to migrate important items elsewhere.
I am both a staff/faculty member and a student (or recent graduate). Do I have two email accounts?
Yes. You have both an employee (jmu.edu) account and a Dukes (dukes.jmu.edu) account. Forwarding employee email to your Dukes account is prohibited according to the JMU Electronic Messaging Policy 1209.
The digital signage hardware requirements are:
- Power and Ethernet (network) connections at the sign’s location
- A display (TV) mount - A tilting wall-mount will typically be sufficient. However, in some cases, a swivel mount may be better suited for the location of your sign. IT can help you determine which mount is best.
- A display (TV) - signs should use a professional display rather than a consumer TV in order to reduce the risk of image burn-in from many hours of constant operation. Dell 55" or Sharp Professional displays are recommended. See the package option below to purchase the display and player together.
- A media player (computer) - IT's recommendation for the media player is available on Dell's JMU Premier Page in the 'Standard Configurations' section under a special Digital Signage category. There are two digital signage options available for purchase. One option includes only the media player, and the "TV" option includes the media player, a display, and the mounts for each.
Where can I get Help/Support?
Information Technology Help Desk at (540) 568-3555, IT Service Portal or helpdesk@jmu.edu
Please see additional frequently asked questions below.
Migration Status
Email migration status:
OneDrive migration status:
If you are having problems accessing any Microsoft services, please contact the IT Help Desk.
Updated 05/24/2023
Commonly Asked Questions
A Test Scoring Form must be filled out for each group test submitted to the Test Scoring Center. This form has been recently updated to reflect the change in process for this Academic year, and previous forms will not be accepted.
The form can be downloaded here for your use.
Additional information on how to fill out the form can be found on the back of the Test Scoring Form
Note: As Test Scoring will end on May 20, 2025, please consider the amount of Scantrons you may require as they cannot be used with Gradescope Bubble Sheets.
Scantrons are obtained directly from your department. The Test Scoring Center does not give Scantrons directly to faculty. To order Scantrons, please complete the following information and Scan/email the completed, signed form to Kaleigh Shorb (shorbks@jmu.edu) We will submit a completed ATV to Financial Reporting, which your department will then receive a copy of once it has been processed.
You will be able to pick up your Scantrons within 24 hours of submitting the completed reuqest form at the IT Help Desk.
- Only use lead pencil to fill out Scantrons, as pen or marker will not be read
- Write your name, test information, and date in the spaces provided, as directed by your instructor.
- Write your Student ID number in the spaces provided and fill in the corresponding numbered boxes.
- Verify that the ID section is properly filled out and marked to avoid errors. Illegible and/or misread digits can cause your test to not be graded
- Completely bubble in answer boxes, and erase mistakes completely
- Be sure you do not:
- Make stray marks on the form
- Bend, fold, or otherwise tear the Scantron
- Allow Scantron Forms to get wet
- In the event that this occurs, a replacement Scantron will have to be completed (Test Scoring will not be responsible for recreating damaged Scantrons for scoring)
- One Scantron should be filled out as the Answer Key and turned in with the Student’s Scantrons
- Fill in and Bubble Zeros "00” for the ID to signify it as the Answer Key when it is scanned
- Include the instructor’s name on the Answer Key
- Any additional reference information is up to the faculty member
Once all tests have been completed, a secure email will be sent to the individual(s) listed on the Scantron Form. Once you receive your emailed results, it will be your sign that your Tests are either ready for pickup or have been prepared for Campus Mail for delivery.
- If you requested to have your results mailed to you via Campus Mail, there may be a 24-48 hour delay, depending on when tests were dropped off and completed. To ensure the quickest turnaround, ensure that your Scantron Form has the correct:
- Mail-Stop Code (MSC)
- Return Department
- Return Professor
- Note: The Help Desk is not responsible for delayed returns through Campus Mail in the event they were submitted with incorrect MSC information, damages done in transit, incorrect faculty information, ect.
- If you have stated that you are coming to the Help Desk to collect your completed tests, Help Desk Staff will request to see a Government-issued ID (Driver's License, JACard, etc.). This is to ensure we are providing the correct tests to the correct individuals.
No. With Test Scoring Center moving away from SecureWeb, the ability to provide individual students their test results is no longer available. While Test Scoring can provide the individual reports for each student, it will be currently up to the faculty member to provide those scores to them.
The Test Scoring Center grading software generates eight unique reports for a given test. These reports will be emailed to primarially as an Adobe PDF attachment to you or whom you designate on the Test Scoring form through secure transfer by way of TestScoring@jmu.edu.
A brief description and list of what is provided via Email or Print request is listed below:
Test Name | Delivery Options | Description |
Item Statistics Report | Email Only | Statistical information including the point value for each question |
Report Header.csv | Email Only | Individualized student grade and response information. This file can be used for uploading into Canvas. |
Student Statistics Report | Email and Printed | Summary listing of the students with their raw and percentage scores. |
Class Frequency Distribution Report | Email and Printed | Statistical analysis of the grade distributions across the grading scale. |
Student Grade Report | Email and Printed | Individualized student grade and response information |
Condensed Item Analysis Report | Email and Printed | Analysis of the responses for each test question |
Condensed Test Report | Email and Printed | Analysis of the test and responses for each test question |
Test Statistics Report | Email and Printed | Statistical information about the test grades |