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MyMadison is the self-service one-stop shop for students, applicants, employees, instructors, advisors and graduates. Numerous features are available including pay advices, leave, student center, applicant center and class rolls. eID account management is also available here.
Who can use this Service?
How can I get this Service?
Access to MyMadison is automatically provided with access based on your role(s) with the university.
Where can I get Help/Support?
Students: https://www.jmu.edu/computing/mymadison/tutorials/tutorials-students.shtml
Faculty and staff:
Information Technology Help Desk at (540) 568-3555, IT Service Portal or helpdesk@jmu.edu
I am having a problem logging in to MyMadison - I get the error message "Access Denied. The username you have entered cannot authenticate with Duo Security"
Depending upon your role at JMU (graduated, student and employee), this message has different meanings:
- Graduated: Never enrolled in Duo (typically applies to graduates or those who may have had an eID at JMU in the past prior to the implementation of two-factor authentication with Duo)
- Student/Employee: Have not activated your eID
If you continue to receive the "Access Denied" message, contact the IT Help Desk at (540) 568-3555 or email helpdesk@jmu.edu