Class specific software should be renewed by the owner of the software.

April 15 - Last day to submit software requests for software to be installed for the summer sessions

July 1 - Last day to submit software requests for software to be installed for the beginning of the fall semester

August 1 - Software not renewed for the fall semester will be removed from the labs and technology classrooms.

September 1 - Last day to submit software requests for software to be available in the lab by September 30 (for software not available for installation by the July deadline)

November 30 - Last day to submit software requests for software to be installed for the beginning of the spring semester

  • Contact Paul Williams at to confirm software requirements, compatibility and to discuss any other requirements

  • Obtain a trial version of the software to test prior to procurement. Lab Services can assist with temporary installation of software on one lab/classroom computer upon request

  • Submit software requests by the assigned deadlines (above) each semester. Ad hoc mid-semester requests should be submitted at least 30 days prior to the date needed to allow time for potential problem resolution. Take care to note any customizations or settings required for your specific needs

  • Purchase enough licenses for all computers in the lab facility plus 2 additional copies (1 for your office computer and 1 for Lab Services.) Purchase the most current version available. The responsibility for maintaining all license information and adhering to license agreements remains with the requesting department. License activation must be compatible with a lab environment where each computer is an exact copy of the others and activation does not require manual intervention at each computer. Consult your vendor regarding their license activation technology, and contact Lab Services for further clarification, if needed.

  • Supply your technology coordinator with software, installation instructions, and a copy of license agreement. A backup copy of the software may be kept on file in Lab Services, but the college coordinator is ultimately responsible for having software available if needed for re-installation.

  • Test and troubleshoot software in the lab environment prior to purchase, if possible, and after installation to ensure the software does all the things needed to complete class assignments. Work with software vendors to troubleshoot and resolve issues. Lab Services can assist with temporary installation of software on one lab/classroom computer upon request.

  • Functional testing, troubleshooting, and coordination of software vendor support is the responsibility of the instructor and/or technology coordinator.

  • Provide appropriate instructions to the students who will be using the software. Lab Assistants provide guidance with very general software and hardware questions, but are not expected to be familiar with the specifics of individual class-specific applications.

Software Installation Request Form 

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